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Affricanisc sprǣc

Fram Wikipǣdian
Stōƿ on Sūðaffrice þær man spricþ Affricanisc æt heorþe

Affricanisc (Affricanisc: Afrikaans) is Ƿestgermanisc sprǣc þe is ful nēahlīce gesibb Niðerlendisce, fram Niðerlendiscum gesettendum gesprecen, on Affrice (ānlīce on Sūðaffrice and Namibie) fram þǣm seofontēoðan hundgēare.

Būtan Englisce is Affricanisc hƿæthƿega ungelīc þǣm ōðrum sprǣcum. Hit hæfþ būtan þǣm on Sūþaffrice and Namibie ēac læsse rīm sprecenda his on Australie, Botsƿanan, Canadan, Lesothƿe, Malaƿi, Nīƿum Sǣlande, Sƿasilande, þǣm Geāndum Rīcum American, Sambie, and Simbabƿan.

For geleorunge and geleorenda ƿeorce sind þǣr ēaðe mā þonne 100,000 sprecera Africanisces on þǣm Geāndan Cynerīce. Hit is sēo gebrocenoste sprǣc fram tƿǣm gefērena hēapum on Sūþafrican: þæt Africanniðerlandisce folc and þæt healfblēode folc – ēac Basterum, Ƿestnæssbūendum Malægiscum hādum and Gricƿum.

Sprǣc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Niƿenglisc one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Ænglisc ān tƿegen
fēoƿer fīf siex seofon eahta nigon tīen
Niðerlendisc één twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht negen tien
Affricanisc een twee drie vier vyf ses sewe agt nege tien

Ūtƿeard hlenca

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