8. Winterfylleðes
(Edlǣded of 8 Winterfylleþ)
- 451 - The Council of Chalcedon, the fourth ecumenical council in Crīstendōm, opened. It repudiated the Eutychian doctrine of monophysitism, and set forth the Chalcedonian Creed.
- 1600 – Sēo Ȝesettnes Sanctes Marines ƿæs ȝenumen and macode ān þāra ǣrestena Þēodþinga in þǣre ƿorulde.
- 1895 - Queen Min, the last empress Corean, ƿæs ācƿellode.
- 1962 - Spiegel scandal: Der Spiegel uncovered the sorry state of the Bundeswehr (se Þēodisc here) facing the communist threat from the east at the time. The magazine was soon accused of treason.
- 1967 - Che Guevara (pictured), an Argentine-born læce, Marxist revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla lǣdere, ƿæs ȝenōm in Bolivian.