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WILCUME! Þis is seo Englisce Wikipedia.

Þeos Wikipædia hæfþ 4,469 gewrita


Her man mæg findan cyþþe be manigum þingum geond middangeard, gewriten on ealdra Engla gereorde, þe Englisc hatte. Wearnung: Gewit þu heonan gif þu Ænglisc leornian wille, for þon þe þæt Englisc her on biþ oftost swiðe yfel. Swelce twegen menn cunnon Englisc wel and hie nyllaþ þas stowe gebetan.

Please refer to the Grammar and Writing style guide and Old English self-correction checklist when contributing to the Old English Wikipedia.

  • Gewritu be þæm Englum
  • Missenlicu gewritu
  • Gecorene gemynddagas
Gecorene gemynddagas

15. dæg Searmonðes: Fanadæg on Denum

Iohannes Engla Cyning and Sēo Micle Bōc

  • 1215 – Iohannes Engla Cyning asettede his sigol to þæm Micle Bēc æt Rynemeadwe.
  • 1219 – Norþern Fare: Be gelufodum Deniscum ealdsecgan, feall se Dannebrog (se is Dena fana) of heofne and geaf þæm Deniscum þreate anīƿed hōp for sige wiþ Estƿarum æt Lyndanisse Feohte, and þes fana is todæg an þara ieldstan þeodlican fanan in þære ƿorulde se man brycþ giet.
  • 1520 – Leo X Pāpa foryppede Exsurge Domine þone papiscan geƿrit to forcƿeþenne foresettnessa of Martin Lutheres Fīf and Nigontig Þancas and mid gebeote amānsumnunge.
  • 1859 – Þær sceot man swin in þara San Juan Iegum cwom þone sliht þe man hat se Swin Gewinn ymbe se riht rices gemære betwuh Britisc Norþamerica and þara Geanedum Ricum.
  • 1954 – The Union of European Football Associations, se is se þegnlica and recenda lic for Europiscum fōtþōðer, wæs gestaþoled in Basle on Switsum.
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