Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/9 Haligmonað
9. dæg Haligmonðes : Gewintredhād Dæg on Iapanðēode;Þēodes Dæg in Stǣr Norþcorea (1948), Sundorrīcesdæg in Tacgicastane (1991)
- 1850 - Sƿā dǣl þæs Gesēmes in 1850, ƿearþ California inlǣten in þā Geānedum Rīcum American sƿā frēo rīce.
- 1942 - Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ: Iapanisc flotlyftcræft dropede bærnetbyrstend on Oregon.
- 1945 - Grace Hopper bōcede rīmereasprungennes ƿroht be moþþe betrepped in relay; man secgþ be gamen þe þes is se ǣrrsta rīmerebudda.
- 1971 - The Attica Carcere ungerecu abrācen in þǣm Attica Carcere in Attican, Nīƿ Eoforƿic.
- 2001 - Ahmed Shah Massoud, heretoga þæs Norðern Alliance, ƿæs geslōg in Afghanistane.