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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/4 Ærra Geola

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Brycþ AN biliþ


[adihtan fruman]
Blurb Reason
1639 – English astronomer Jeremiah Horrocks made the first observation of a transit of Venus. appeared as TFA on June 5, 2012
1676Scanian War: Forces led by Swedish Field Marshal Simon Grundel-Helmfelt defeated the invading army of Denmark–Norway under the command of King Christian V in an area north of Lund, Sweden. {{refimprove}}
1791 – Britain's The Observer, the world's first Sunday newspaper, was first published. refimprove
1909 – The first Grey Cup game, the championship game of the Canadian Football League, was held. Just appeared as TFA (2012)
1937 – The first issue of The Dandy, the world's longest-running children's comic book, was published. refimprove
1956 – Singers Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Elvis Presley, collectively called the "Million Dollar Quartet", recorded an impromptu jam session in the Sun Record Studios in Memphis, Tennessee. refimprove section
1977Jean-Bédel Bokassa, the President of the Central African Republic, had himself crowned as Emperor Bokassa I. refimprove
1991 – Journalist Terry Anderson, the last and longest-held American hostage in Lebanon, was released after seven years in captivity. Tagged with {{refimprove}}


[adihtan fruman]
  • 1829Widuwebæret, se on Indeum hēt man Sætti' and hwærin on þæm þēode wolde widuwan forbænan him in tibernesse, oft be niede, wæs be Bryttisc geweald on eallum Bryttisc Indea forboden.
  • 1909 – Þa Montreal Canadiens, se is se yldsta professional īshocig club in eallum middangearde, wæs gestaðoled bōcgegylda þæs Þēodiscan Hociggylde.
  • 1980 – The Bryttisc stænen glīw team Led Zeppelin officially disbanded.
  • 1991Pan American World Airways, se wæs se fyrmesta international lyftline þāra Americawara ended operations. Man secgð ðe ðes lyftline brohtede manige nīwum þing in fleogenda geweorc.
  • 2006 – Siexe swearta geoguþ in Jena on Louisiane, GRA, assaulted a hwīt geoguð and se folgenda ordǣl weard cause célèbre.
  • National Hockey League appears on November 26, so Montreal Canadiens should not appear in the same year Bysen:Divhide 4. dæg Geolan: Sciphere Dæg on Indeum

    Mary Celeste þæt scip

  • 1872Mary Celeste þæt Americanisce scip (on biliþ) fund man forgegiefen on þingum um þe oþ þissum dæge bidaþ uncūþ.
  • 1893Forma Matabele Gewinn: Ridiung þæs Bryttisca Sūþaffrica Gesiþscipe fēðan wæs forsæted and adileged be mar þon 3,000 Matabele wigum.
  • 1954 – Se woruldewīda hamburger snillǣt wrāsen Burger King, gecūðen for his signature þinge se Whopper, wæs gestaðoled in Miami on þara GRA.
  • 1979Bruce George Peter Lee atendede hām in Cyningestūne on Hulle on Eoferwicscīre and æfter þe he wæs benimen acyðede he þe he hæfde elleswise atended nigon banfyre in þæm læppan.
  • 1992George H W Bush Americanisc Foresittend gestefnode Americaniscan þreat on Somale þe he mōt helpan to bringenne fultum onmiddan þeodsceaþan in þǣm lande and staþoldan friþ in þǣm Somalisc Ingewinne.