Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/30 Ærra Geola
30. dæg Geolan: Gewintredhād Dæg on Iapanðēode;José Rizal Dæg in þæm Filippiniegum.
- 1853 - Seo Gadsden Bygen: Þā Geānedan Rīcu bohted land se wæs 30,000 mīla be þǣm feowerscite be sūðen Gila Ēa and be westen Rio Grande of Mexico for US$ 10 þūsenda þūsend.
- 1880 - Paul Kruger (sēo his onlicnes) wearþ foresittend þæs Transvaal Cynewīse.
- 1927 - Se Ginza Line, se yldsta undergrund weg on Asie, opened in Tokyo on Iapane.
- 1947 - Michael I Romanie Cyning be niede forscrāh his cynedōm under Russicum sceotum and Romania wearþ Folclicu Cynewīse.
- 1965 - Ferdinand Marcos wearþ foresittend þāra Philippina.