Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/16 Solmonaþ
16. dæg Solmonþes: Gewintredhād Dæg on Iapanðēode;Rīcehādesdæg in Liþuanie (1918)
- 1923 - Tutankhamunes līcstōƿe openode man for ǣrest tīd.
- 1959 - Fidel Castro ƿierþ Cuban Forma Þegn.
- 1978 - ǣrrsta circolƿyrdlic bulletin board system is created (CBBS) in Chicago, Illinois).
- 1983 - Þā Æsc Ƿōdnesdæg bushfires in Uictorie and Sūþaustralie claimed the lives of 71 people in Australie worst ever fȳrum.
- 1989 - Pan Am flight 103: Investigators announced that the cause of the crash was a bomb hidden inside a radio-cassette player.