Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/12 Haligmonað

12. dæg Haligmonðes : Þēodes Dæg on þǣm Grenenǣsīegum
- 1683 - Syndrig Europanisc heras in þoftscipe geƿonnedon sige ofer þǣm Oþomaniscum Rīce æt þǣre Wien Beadƿe
- 1933 - Leō Szilārd, þæt þe he abād æt rēadum lēohtfæte on Sūþhamtun Rǣƿe in Blōmsbyrig, befeng þone ƿēnan for cyrnellicum ƿrāsenframscipe
- 1942 - Ðæt Laconia þing: RMS Laconia, þæt scip bær 80 landmenn and 268 Britisc fēðan, and ymbe 1800 Italisc herenuman mid 160 Polisc fēðan be ƿearde, beƿræc torpedo of undersǣbāt off Ƿest Affrican sǣrīm and hit besencte.
- 1977 - Sūþaffrican ƿið-apartheid activist Steve Biko slōg mann in police custody.
- 1990 - Ðā Fēoƿer and Tƿegen Andƿyrding onseglod man, hƿǣteft cƿōm Þēodsc gesamnung.