Ƿeogornaceasterscīrsēaƿ is sīdan gebrocen gebiermed ƿǣtan inƿise. Hit is nū gemacod mid æcede, sænfe, cornsƿēte, ƿætere, cilipiporum, soigum sēaƿe, pipore, Indiscum palmæpplum, smalum fiscum, cīpum, ynnelēacclufum, clufum and gārlēace. Hit is cōcnung gebrocen in fela sandum, bǣm gebacenum and ungebacenum, and syndriglīce mid hrīðerflǣsce. Filipinisca cōcnunga brūcaþ hit oft sƿā sēaƿ, syndriglīce mid sƿīnflǣsce. Hit is micel dǣl in Cāseres lēactrice and in Blōdigre Marian. Lea & Perrins scipaþ hit in gesamnodum ansīene tō bēonne gesett in ampellan elþēodiglīce.
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[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Greg Atkinson Cōc, geholpen fram Lea & Perrins, reports and debunks the myth, būtan unryftunge Lady Sandys.
- Thomas Smith, 'Successful Advertising' Archived 2007-03-11 at the Wayback Machine
- Lea & Perrins hēafodsīde