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Fram Wikipǣdian
Pont du Gard, Francland, Rōmānisc wætertyge ātimbrod ymbe 19 BC. Hē is ān Franclandes gelōmlǣhtostena wræcsīþstealla tīdfarena and Worulde Ierfes Stede.
Wætertyge Vanvitelli, Italy, ātimbrode Luigi Vanvitelli, is Worulde Ierfes Stede and ān þāra sēlestena bȳsena wætertyges in Europa.

Wætertyge, oþþe wætergelād, is wæterfruma oþþe līðendlicu wæterþēote getimbrod, to ferienne wæter. In modern engineering, is þæt word gebrocen for ænigre endebyrdunge þēotena, dīca, wæterwega, crēpla, oþþe ōðra getimbrunga þe man brȳcþ þǣrtō. Nearulīcor limpþ wætertyge (seldan wæterbrycg) tō ǣnigre brycge oþþe ǣnigum rādtyge, þe wigþ wæter - on stealle pæðes, rāde, oþþe īsernsceaftweges - ofer dwolman. Grēate līðendlice wætertygas brȳcþ man swā fērungbend, swā geþēodung, for bātas and scipu. Wætertyge sceal spannen oferfērunga æt þǣre ilcan smēþnesse swā þā wæterwegas on ǣlcum ende. Þæt word cymþ of þǣm engliscan wæter and tyge (cymþ of "tēon" on mǣnunge 'tō lǣdenne').

Ealdlice wætertygas

[adiht | adiht fruman]
Nabataeisc wætertyge in Petra (Jordan)
Mathur Wætertyge, India

Þēah þe gegæderode mid þǣm Rōmānum, wǣron wætertygas swīðe ǣrran in Grēclande and þǣm Nēam Ēastan and Indiscum underworulddǣle, þǣr folc swā þā Egipte and Harappan ātimbrodon built manigfealda gewæterunge endebyrdunga. Rōmānlice wætertygas wǣron gebrocen swā ǣr swā in þǣre 7an ielde BC, hwonne þā Assyrige ātimbrodon 80 km lang līmestānenne wætertyge, þe hæfde 10 m hēane dǣl tō oferfērenne 300 m wīd dæl, tō fērenne wæter tō hira hēafodbyrg, Nineveh.