Wæterþoðer (on Niwenglisce water polo hatte) is heapplega þe on wætere gepleged is. Ælc heap stent on siex feldplegendum and anum geatwearde.[1] Se heap nimþ sige þe þone þoðer oftost þurh þæt getælgeat and in þæt nett scyt þe fram þara wiðerplegendra geatwearde geborgen is. Ealle þrage swimmaþ þa plegendas on wætere, and weorpaþ þone þoðer betweoh þæm heapgesiðum, þa hwile þe þa wiðerplegendas hie þæs getæles eacnunge awerigaþ. Wæterþoðer is þæs heaphandþoðres plegan gelic, þe man on flore plegeþ.
On wæterþoðres plegan swimmaþ plegendas hider and þider in sundbaðe. Hi secaþ to weorpenne þone þoðer þurh þæt wiðerplegendan heapes tælgeat. To fleotenne in þam wætere brycþ man anlice wisan spearnlunge þe hatte "egg beater" (mænþ "ægbeatend"). Man sceal wel cræftiglice þencan and gesmeagan þa hwile þe man plegeþ. Se plega is wel earfoþ þam lice.
Þa ane geatwan þa man brycþ on wæterþoðre sind se selfa þoðer, þa hodas, and þa getælgeato þa sculon on þæm wætere fleotan oþþe sculon wiþ þa sidan þæs baðes geþeot wesan.
Niwu word
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Þis gewrit hæfþ niwu word. Man ah þis getæl mid eallum niwum wordum and her gebrocenum ican. This article contains new words. All new words used here should be added to this list.
- feldplegend (sm) - field player
- geatweard (sm) - goalie, goalkeeper
- getæl (sn) (authentic with less specific meaning) - score
- getælgeat (sn) - goal, goalposts
- heap (sm) (authentic with less specific meaning) - team
- heapgesið (sm) - team member
- heaphandþoðer (sm) - team handball
- heapplega (wm) - team sport
- Niwenglisc (sn) - Modern English
- plegend (sm) - player
- sundbæð (sn) - swimming pool
- wæterþoðer (sm) - water polo
- wiðerplegend (sm) - opponent player