
Brādlīce is þæt ƿord ƿæstm genotod tō nēan ǣnigum dǣle plantan þe is etendsicor, ac hēr is þæt ƿord gebrocen synderlīce tō dǣlum plantan þe habbaþ þā sǣd.
Ƿæstmas sind tōl be þǣm plantan aƿeorpaþ sǣd. Se mǣsta dǣl meteƿæstma sind eten fram dēorum and mannum tō fōdan, and þæs sind aƿorpen feorr tō ƿeaxenne.[1] Ƿæstmas sind hefig dǣl þǣre ƿorulde eorþbigenesse ūtgiefung, and sume (tō bysene se æppel and se æppelcyrnel) habbaþ begieten brād līfƿīsisc and tācniendu andgiet.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ Lewis, Robert A. (on þǣm forman dæge þæs Ǣrran Gēolan þæs 2002 gēares). CRC Dictionary of Agricultural Sciences. CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-2327-4.