Showing results for land. No results found for Laff.
Scypp þone tramet "Laff" on þissum wiki! Seoh eac þa þing þa wæron gefunden.
- and smā, brāde and hēa, þās cyningdōmas, þēodrīcu, þēodwīsan landa, and wīglīce āþēod landa syndon þæt þætte manncynne is gecȳþed. Land þisre Ƿorulde...25 KB (49 worda) - 21:19, 23 Gēolmōnaþ 2024
- Þæt Hālige Land (Hebrēisce: ארץ הקודש Erets HaQodesh, Crēacisc: Άγιοι Τόποι, Arabisc: الأرض المقدسة, al-Arḍ ul-Muqaddasah), is þæt land se man mōt hatan...1 KB (109 worda) - 04:28, 20 Hreðmonað 2024
- Wascisc Land is land in Spēonlande. His hēafodburh is Vitoria-Gasteiz. Wascisc Land hæfþ 2,166,184 lēoda....235 bytes (16 worda) - 04:14, 25 Solmonað 2017
- sakartvelo) is land þāra Caucasus-beorgum. Georgia licð on þāra beora sūðeran rīmum. His hēafodburg is Tiflis oþþe Tbilisi. Tō selfƿealdan land, Abcasia and...587 bytes (41 worda) - 22:48, 30 Hreðmonað 2018
- Indea (category Land on Asie)Indea land (Hindisc: भारत, Bhārat; sēo ēac ōðere naman) is land in sūðernre Asie. Indea rīce, ambihtlīċe sēo Indie Cyneƿīse, is selfƿealdend land. Indea...630 bytes (32 worda) - 21:43, 28 Æfterra Liða 2024
- Swēoland (category Land on Europan)Sƿēoland þæt Cynerīce (Sweonisc: Konungariket Sverige) is Norþmannisc land in Scedelande, in Norðernre Europan. Ymb his mearce licgaþ Norþƿeg be ƿestan...21 KB (332 worda) - 00:36, 4 Winterfylleð 2023
- Ucrægna (category Land on Europan)Ucrægna is land on þǣm ēastdǣle in Europan. Þis land hæfþ 44,854,065 hāda, æfter apinsunge þæs 2012. gēares. Hire lēode sprecaþ on Ucrægnisce and Russisce...873 bytes (53 worda) - 23:24, 23 Þrimilcemonað 2024
- Cile (category Land on Sūðamerican)Cile is land on Sūðamerican. His heafodburg is Santiago, þæs nama is Halgan Iacobus. In þissum land spricþ man Spēonisc sprǣc. Þis land hæfþ 16.4 þusanda...1 KB (124 worda) - 07:39, 23 Gēolmōnaþ 2021
- Polaland (category Land on Europan)[ʐɛt͡ʂpɔˈspɔlita ˈpɔlska] ( listen)) is land on Europan. 38.43 þusenda þusenda oneardað ðis land. Ƿarsaƿ is Polalandes heafodburg. Þaet land is nu fulfealdende folcwealdendrice...9 KB (239 worda) - 04:42, 16 Gēolmōnaþ 2024
- Canada (category Land on Norðamerican)Canada is land in Norðamerican. Þis land hæfþ 40 þusenda þusend menn. Niwe Englisc and Frencisc sind ambihtlica spræca. In norþ Niwu Scotlande folce spræc...2 KB (100 worda) - 04:58, 18 Hreðmonað 2024
- Niwsæland (edlæded fram Níwe S?land)þære Mawriscan spræce is Niwsæland Aotearoa gehaten, þe in Maorisce mæneþ "Land þæs Langan, Hwitan Wolcnes". Niwsæland hæfþ þegnhad for þæm utweardþingum...20 KB (2,156 worda) - 23:05, 20 Se Æfterra Gēola 2023
- Modernan Englisc hæt). Hit norþ ligeþ ymb Scottƿara land and ymb Ƿaleƿara land ƿest and þus hit hafaþ land-gemære mid Scottƿara lande (þe man Scotland on Modernan...4 KB (281 worda) - 23:08, 15 Solmonað 2023
- Brasil (category Land on Sūðamerican)Brasil), is þæt mǣste land on Sūðamerican. Manig land ymbligaþ hit norðweard, westƿeard and sūðweard. Ēastweard is sē garsecg. Þis land hæfþ 201,000,000 lēoda...761 bytes (77 worda) - 07:53, 24 Æfterra Liða 2023
- sēo onstandeþ manig landstēortas and īega. In geardagum wæs þis land Dalreadinga land, forþǣm þe Dalreadingas cwōmon hider of Dalreada on Ibernie. Ðisse...345 bytes (32 worda) - 13:51, 6 Sēremōnaþ 2020
- Bængladesc (category Land on Asie)[ˈbaŋlaˌdeʃ]) is land on Asie. Bængladesc is Bengales ēastdǣl and ƿæs Indealandes dǣl oþþæt man þæt Indisce Rīce ābrāc. Þæt land ƿeard "Ēast Pacistan"...506 bytes (37 worda) - 05:41, 26 Þrimilcemonað 2021
- Guinea (category Land on Affrice)Guinea is land on ƿesternre Affrice. Oþ þæt 1958 gēar ƿæs þæt land Frencisc landbūnes. Þone naman Guinea gēo hēt man brādre land, þæt is eall Ƿestaffrica...772 bytes (52 worda) - 21:33, 14 Gēolmōnaþ 2024
- Gambia (category Land on Affrice)Sēo Gambia is land on ƿesternum Affrican. Nearƿe is þis land, andlang Gambie ēa and on begen rīmum is Senegal þæt land. His hēafodstōl is Bancgul and ǣr...2 KB (54 worda) - 23:19, 20 Se Æfterra Gēola 2021
- Libanus (category Land on Asie)Libanus is land in ƿesternum Asie, on þæs Ƿendelsǣs ēasternmestum rīme. Libanus þæt land ligð to norðen þæs Haligan Landes. His hēafodstōl is Berytus...583 bytes (47 worda) - 16:26, 8 Gēolmōnaþ 2024
- Æriþrea (category Land on Affrice)Æriþrea (Tigrinisc: ʾErtrā) is land on Affrice. Hit līþ andlang þæs Rēadan Sǣs ēasternum rīm. Hēr spricþ man Tigrinisc. Þæt land ƿæs gēo dǣl þæs Abysiniscan...859 bytes (72 worda) - 13:41, 11 Hreðmonað 2022
- Malawi (category Land on Affrice)Malawi is land on Affrican þæt ær hatton Nyasaland. Ðis landes niw nama, Malawi is abidden of miclum rice in geardagum þæt ricsode ofer bradum land. His eald...409 bytes (41 worda) - 12:40, 26 Þrimilcemonað 2021