
  • Thumbnail for Josh Duhamel
    Josh Duhamel, on Englisce Iosue Duhamel, is Geānedrīcisc scēawere and līcmann. Hē is wīde gecūþ for his scēawerhādum on missenlīcum scēawspellum, ēac...
    948 bytes (55 worda) - 00:19, 27 Hreðmonað 2013
  • Gemǣne tō Iudēadōme and Crīstendōme Gecyndbōc Ūtfæreld Þegnungbōc Getel Ǣbōc Iosue Dēman Ruth 1–2 Samuel 1–2 Cyningas 1–2 Cranicas Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job...
    262 bytes (24 worda) - 22:32, 9 Se Æfterra Gēola 2015