
Showing results for cwēn commons. No results found for Cwbm (commons).
  • Thumbnail for Leix
    Leix is scīr on Īrlande þære Cynewīsan. Ǣr wæs þis land 'Cwēne Scīre' and swylc naman geaf hie Maria I Engla Cwēn for āre....
    282 bytes (24 worda) - 13:00, 18 Sēremōnaþ 2020
  • Thumbnail for Ēastindea Tēoh
    binama wæs "John Company" ('Iohannes Tēoh'). In 1600 geaf Elisabeþ I Engla Cwēn hiera ceapmmenn cynelicu bōc þe hie bēon "Se Ealdoman and Sēo Tēoh of Ceapmannum...
    1 KB (151 worda) - 23:25, 6 Solmonaþ 2019
  • Churchill makes his "blood, tears, toil and sweat" speech to the House of Commons. 1940 - Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands flees the Natsi invasion in...
    9 KB (1,048 worda) - 14:34, 14 Se Æfterra Gēola 2021
  • wice. In 1978, þæs lēodweardes bodan sæd þe that Vatthana Cyning, Khamphoui Cwēn, and Vong Savang se Ierfa-Æþeling hæfdon forþferdon fram unlyfte. Nīworu...
    5 KB (475 worda) - 04:39, 3 Hreðmonað 2020