Æðelstān Sūþseaxa Cyning
Æðelstān wæs cyning and on geliefþ þe he ricsode on Sūþseaxum ymbe 717 oð 724 mid with Noðhelme Cyninge ēac.
Æþelstan wæs gewitnes on Noðhelmes endmestum bēc, sēo birþ þone gear 714 in dweolan for 717, swa Athelstan rex, ac þēos sēðung giefþ nān tācn for his his rīce. Ðēos bōc is ēach be Æðelðryð gesēðed swa Edeldrið regina, ac man ne wit gif Æðelðryð wæs Æðelstanes cwēn.<ref>Barker (1947) speculated "They may well be the parents of the Æðelberht of twenty years later"<.ref>
[adihtan | adiht fruman]- Bysen:PASE
- Barker, E. 1947. Sussex Anglo-Saxon Charters, part 1. Sussex Archaeological Collections 86: 42-101.
- Miller, Sean. Charter S42. Anglo-Saxons.net. Writen fram the original on 2023-02-22. Begieten on 2007-03-30.
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