Global accounts list
- Ameisenigel (exists locally, abuse filter helper, global IP block exempt, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- Arcticocean (exists locally, ombuds)
- Daniuu (exists locally, abuse filter helper, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- Emufarmers (exists locally, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- Faendalimas (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and ombuds)
- MdsShakil (exists locally, global IP block exempt, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- Minorax (exists locally, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer and ombuds)
- Nehaoua (exists locally, global IP block exempt and ombuds)
- Renvoy (exists locally, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer, two-factor authentication tester and ombuds)
- RoySmith (exists locally, temporary account IP viewer and ombuds)
- だ*ぜ (exists locally, global IP block exempt, two-factor authentication tester and ombuds)