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Sanctes Dunstanes Cirice in Stybbanhyðe

Stybbanhyð is læppa in Lundnes Ēastende se wæs ær lytel tūn þære Middelylde ymbe Sanctes Dūnstanes Cirice and in þæm 15. gearhund weax ribbon development of Mīlend Rād se hātte Stybbanhyðgrēne.

Ðes stōwe wæs snille getimbrode in þæm 19. gearhund þe man mōt findan cotas for elelendiscum wyrhtum and for þearfum ūt Lundne, and þȳ geþēh lāstworde for earmþu, crudonnesse, þrace and gedwolsume gildcræfte.

Gedemmed and hrēorig lāg Stybbanhyð æfter þæm byrstendum þæs 'Ligetfeall' in þæm Ōðran Woruldgūþe and þrīmen his hūsena wæron eall adigloden. Æfterweard in þæm gearum fram 1960 frummedon menn hulcgeswicn and Stybbanhyðes būendstrǣta brēot se geþing in in hierum stede getimbrode tūrra and hūstūnas. In fēum stedum standaþ giet Georgylde geboldas and Uictoriaylde hūshēapas, tobysene in Arbour Square be Stybbanhyðgrēnes ēasthealfe.

Seo ēac

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