Sinner (lēasspell Dekkeres)
Sinner (on Englisce Synnere) is rūnspell þe wæs fram Ted Dekker gewriten. Hit wæs geypped þǣm Hāligmōnðe þæs 2008 gēares. Hit is þæt þridde on þǣre endebyrdnesse þæs 'Project Showdown'(ēac hātte 'The Paradise Novels'), þe hæfþ ēac Showdown and Saint. Þis spell gelimpþ þrēotīenum gēara æfter þǣm tīman of Saint and stent hēafodlīce on Billy and Darcy of þǣre forman bēc, and Johnny of þǣre forman and þǣre ōðerre. Þā þrēo bēc sind dǣl māran endebyrdnesse þe is gehāten 'The Books of History Chronicles' for andgiete eallra þāra spella þæt bint hīe ealla on þǣre ilcan 'worulde spellfare'.
Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge .