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Sanctfrancis Byht

Fram Wikipǣdian
Sanfranciscobyht and his Gyldne Geat
Landscite þæs byhtes and his læppan

Sanctfrancis Byht is brad wæter and undeop on Califorie westernum ecge and Norðamerican særime on Sericus Garsecge. He is miclu hæfen. His muða het 'Ðæt Gyldne Geat' and ofer þisse nearweness stent se Gyldne Geat Brycg.

Ymbe þissum byht is se 'San Francisco Byht Læppa' þærin standaþ micle byrig: San Francisco, San Jose and Acland.

Sanfranciscohyð is on þisses wætres westsuþenum rime.

Hēafodstōl Hālgþingstedefrancis
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