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How to read a taxoboxWikipǣdia:How to read a taxobox
How to read a taxobox
Sǣcū mid cealfe.
Sǣcū mid cealfe.
Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Animalia
Stefn: Chordata
Understefn: Vertebrata
Flocc: Mammalia
Oferhād: Afrotheria
Hād: Sirenia
Cnēoris: Trichechidae
Gill, 1872
Cnōsl: Trichechus
Linnaeus, 1758

Trichechus inunguis
Trichechus manatus
Trichechus senegalensis

Sēo sǣcū, ēac hātte manatī, is miċel ƿæterliċ dēor þæs hīredes Trichechidae and cynnes Trichechus. Þā Trichechidae ȝeunþƿǣriaþ þǣm Dugongidae on þǣm hīƿe þæs hēafodbollan and on þǣm hīƿe þæs tæȝles. Tægȝas sǣcūna sind ārliċe, ac þā Dugonges tæȝlas sind tƿislieht. Sēo sǣcu is ƿyrtetere and oft grasaþ in scealdum ƿætere.

Þā sǣcȳ ƿuniaþ in scealdum, fennigum sǣrīman ƿæterum in Norðamerican, Middlum American, Sūðamerican, and þǣm Caribiscan Sǣ.

Ān cynn (Trichechus senegalensis) ƿunaþ in ƿesternum sǣlande þæs African; ōðer cynn (T. inunguis) ƿunaþ in ēasternum sǣlande þæs Sūþan American, and þridde cynn (T. manatus) ƿunaþ in þǣm Ƿestindium in þǣm Caribiscan Sǣ. Sum menn ȝelīefaþ þā Florida sǣcū bēo sƿeotolliċ cynd, ac þæt ITIS and mǣst taxonomistas sæȝaþ þe hēo bēo undercynd þǣm T. manatus. Hire lengþu cann 15 fōta (4.5 metra) bēon, and hēo ƿunaþ in swēteƿætere and sealtwætere. Man huntode hīe for ele and flǣsce, ac hēo is nū ǣƿlisc ȝeƿered.


Sēo Ƿeste Indisce Manatī is ȝefrēcnod cynn. Þēah þe hēo næfþ æniȝe cynde ȝeherȝiend, ƿanode mennisc sprǣdung hire cyndan ēðel in sǣrīman mersclandum, and fela sǣcūna sind ȝedered fram þǣm drīfendum ūtbordra āsteriendbāta. Manatees will often ingest fishing gear (hooks, metal weights, etc.) during feeding. These foreign materials do not seem to harm manatees, except for monofilament line or string. This can get clogged in the animal's digestive system, and slowly kill the animal.

Manatees oft mētaþ nēah powerplants, þe þā ƿæter ƿearmiaþ. Hīe ƿurdon behycgende on þissum fruman uncyndes hātes. Hīe ȝesƿicon þǣre scrīðunge tō ƿearmrum ƿæterum for þȳs singalan fruman ƿearmes ƿæteres. Nīƿlīċe, powerplants have been closing and knowing how reliant manatees are on these powerplants, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is trying to find a way tō hǣtenne þæt ƿæter for þǣm sǣcūum.

Sēo hēafodƿæterclǣnsungbytlung in Guyanan hæfþ þrēo sǣcȳ þe āþierraþ hēddþēotan of ƿēodum.

  • Ȝefērscipe Mammalia
    • Hād Sirenia
      • Hīred Trichechidae: Sǣcȳ
        • Cynd Trichechus
          • Cynn 1. Ƿest Indian Sǣcū, Trichechus manatus
            • Undercynn 1. Floridan Sǣcū, Trichechus manatus latirostris
            • Undercynn 2. Antillisc Sǣcū, Trichechus manatus manatus
          • Cynn 2. Ƿest Affricu Sǣcū, Trichechus senegalensis
          • Cynn 3. Amasonisc Sǣcū, Trichechus inunguis

Sēo ēac

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