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Fram Wikipǣdian

In Ġeānod Cynerīċe and Īrland, ǣn sċīrtūn is sē mæsta ēacung oððe ceaster binnan ǣn sċīr. Hit is gewunelic sē stand in āsettnesse oððe dōmlic funclēow on ǣn sċīr, and sē stōw hwǣr þæt folc gemǣniglice gecuron þā tō geƿitnesse.

Æfter þā ġeƿeran of sċīrēan in Englalande 1889, sē heafodstōl of ǣn niwum rādene ƿæron gewunelic ǣsettnesse on ǣn sċīrburg of ǣn ǣlces sċīr; ēoweleas, sē ġedƿolian of ǣn sċīrburg ǣr sē ġeƿeran of þā rādes.

Gelīcunga geƿrit

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]