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Romanisc Cynewise

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Rēmisc mynetem mid gearcyninge and his æcsborum
Landscite þære Cyneƿīsan rīce æt Iulies Cæsares dēaþe

Sēo Remisce Cyneƿīse (Lǣden: Res publica Romana) ƿæs Rōmþēodes rīce for ælmæst fīf hundred ƿintrum fram þære ahƿeorpunge þæs endmestan Rōmƿara Cyninges oð þæm cāserena rīce. In þisse ylde ƿeax þā Rēmisce drohtoþ and his rīce of lytlum burgrīce to ƿeardenne micel ƿoruldrīce, ac sƿlyc rīce ƿæs hefig for þisse cyneƿīse and hēo feall in unfriðe þærof rās Agustus to ednīƿenne þæs rīces friþ and strengo.

Cenning and ende

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Þēos yld angann þan man adrāf of Rōme þære byrig Tarquinus Superbus Cyning, se ealdsagan secgaþ ƿæs 509 ƿinter beforan Criste cōm. Æt þissum þing endode þone Rōmāniscan Cynedōm. Hēo endode ending in 27 beforan Criste þan Agustus staðolede þæt Rōmānisce Rīce.

In his ǣrrstum tƿæm gearhundredum ƿeax sēo Cyneƿīse þurh geƿine conquest and fultume, fram Italie middeldæle þurh eall Italia þæt land. In þæm niehstan hundred gearum cnyttede þis rīce mid him Norþaffrica and þone mæstan dæl þæs Iberiscan land, and hæfde underrīce in Profense se is nū Franclandes sūþdæl. Æt his hiestan ylde in þæm endmestan gearhund beforan Criste cōm befeng þære Rēmiscan Cynewīsan landrīce eall se sǣrīm ymbe eallum Ƿendelsǣ, and þærmid Italia, Illyria, Crēcaland, sēo Lǣsse Asia, Syria, Ǣgypt, Norþaffrica, Ispania and eall Gallia (se is nū Francna rīce). Gehƿæðere in þissum ylde ƿæs sēo Cyneƿīse dreahte. Inƿeard flīt brōhtede ingeƿinnasGaius Iulius Caesar fang to rīce and ƿeard tictator þære rīce. Æfter Marcus Brutus and fācengecƿis onmang his ƿitum Caesar ofstang, fang his nefa Gaius Iulius Caesar Octauianus to rīce, þæs binama ƿæs 'Augustus', and hs rīce endode þā Cyneƿīse and in his stede ƿæs Cāsererīce

Nān meaht secgan þan sēo Cyneƿīse endode and þæt Cāsererīce begann. Missenlica stǣrƿriteras hycgaþ se sƿylca dæg ƿæs þan Gaius Iulius Caesar rād mid his here ofer Rubicon þære ēa in 49 beforan Criste, oððe þan ƿæs Caesar's appointment sƿa tictator for his līfe in 44 bC, oððe Octauianes sige ƿiþ Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra æt þæm Actium Sǣfēohte in 31 bC. Rōmþēode sæd þe þēos aƿendung ƿæs on þæm dæge þe þæt Rēmisce Senatus geaf Octauiane sundorƿeald and þā titul 'Augustus' in 27 bC.

Ealdordōm and lēodƿeard

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Rōmes lēodƿeard in þære cyneƿīse ƿæs æt his hēafod tƿegen gearcyningas be naman consules, and þās gearcyningas ƿæron geceorren in ælcum gear be þæm burgƿara. Hie ƿæron geræden be ƿitum in þæm Senate þærin sæt ealdormen. In þære Cyneƿīsan ylde ƿæs micel geflit betƿēox þæm hēahealdormannum, þā āgan land and lof and þæs ealdfædras ƿæron of Rōmbyrig staþol, and þæm ceorlas (se plebs).