![]() Logo ġeƿeorþode siþ 2022 | |
Se þæt platform's "Charts" blæd (ġeseon list ofer games) | |
Original author(s) |
Dauid Baszucki Yric Cassel |
Developer(s) | Roblox Teoh |
Roblox ( /ˈroʊblɒks/) is online plega yppe ond gamen-sceapennes bysen gewriten bi Roblox Teohhe þærbe meahten brucendas to writenne rngestreon ond to plegenne gamen Þe he hæbbað gesceappen bi hie selfum oþþe be ōþrum brucendum. Gesceappen bi Dauid Baszucki ond Yric Cassel in 2004 ond aleased in 2006 cumlíðaþ ðes rungestreon brucendgesceappen gamen in manigfealdum hadum gewriten in Lua þæm runweorcend spræc. ǣr in RobloxBysen:'s spēd, hit wæs ġemǣnelīċ lytel, bēgen swā ān stand ond swā ān gefērscipe. Roblox began to growan hrædlice in se þæt secg hālf ofer se þæt 2010s, ond ðes grōwan wæs accelerated bi se þæt COVID-19 pandemic.[1][2]
Roblox is freo to pleġan, wiþ in-game purchases āfēr þurh ān virtual gold genemned Robux. Swā ofer August 2020, Roblox hæfde ofer 164 þūsend monaðlic onbærnan users, including mā þonne hālf ofer eall American cild under 16.[3][4] þēah Roblox hafaþ received generally gehyld reviews fram critics, hit hafaþ faced gecrīt for his innehaf moderation, microtransactions, ond allegations ofer exploitative practices tōweard cild.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Roblox Studeo
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Roblox ālǣwan users to cēosan ond folcian hiera āgen games, hwilc cunnan þonne bēon played bi ōþer users, bi notende his plega engine, Roblox Studio.[5] Roblox Studeo includes manigfeald premade plega templates[6][7] swā wel swā se þæt Toolbox, hwilc ālǣwan āgang to user-created models, plugins, hlūd, images, meshes, fæst, ond fonts. [8][9] Games, officially referred to swā "experiences" on se þæt platform,[10][11] synd scripted wiþ Luau, ān dialect ofer se þæt Lua 5.1 programming sprǣc, þenden C++ is ġeƿeorþode for grund processes swilc swā gemynd management.[12][13]Bysen:Bsn Luau supports gradual typing ond is designed to maximize performance.[14][6][7][15] Luau hafaþ bēon released under se þæt MIT Lēodlic siþ November 2021.[16]Bysen:Psi

Users synd mihtig to cēosan purchasable innehaf þurh one-time purchases, gecneord swā "plega passes", swā wel swā microtransactions þæt cunnan bēon purchased mā þonne ǣne, gecneord swā "getimbrere products".[17][18] Swā ofer 2020, Roblox reported þæt mā þonne 2 þūsend developers ġeƿeorþode Roblox Studeo to cēosan mā þonne 20 þūsend games of ġēar. ān mǣst ofer developers ƿǣron minors, ond rūhlice 345,000 earned feoh þurh Roblox's Getimbrere Exchange program.[19][3]
Items ond gold
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Roblox ālǣwan players to bycgan, sellan, ond cēosan virtual items hwilc cunnan bēon ġeƿeorþode to decorate hiera virtual ċaræcter þæt serves swā hiera avatar on se þæt platform.[3] ǣr, āna Roblox administrators hæfde se þæt mægen to sellan accessories, bodig parts, gear, ond packages under se þæt officiāl Roblox brūcend account,[20] wiþ virtual hats ond accessories ēac beon mihtig to bēon published bi ān cēosan fēawa users wiþ ƿeg ondrædan weorcende wiþ Roblox Corporation.[21][22] ðes ge-rǣdnes wæs in stōw oþ se þæt inbringung ofer se þæt UGC Catalog,[23][24] hwilc allowed selected individuals inne se þæt Roblox gemǣnscipe to cēosan ond sellan customized user-generated innehaf (UGC) avatar items þurh se þæt UGC Program.[25][26][27] Sum individuals gecynd items swā ān full-time weorc, wiþ se þæt highest-earning creators making ofer $100,000 ān ġēar of sǣl sales.[28]
Items wiþ ān gemǣne edition status cunnan āna bēon traded betwēonan oþþe sold bi users wiþ ān Roblox Premium membership.[29] þās gemǣne items habban ān Nīw Gemyndig Prīs (rap), ond hiera weorþ fluctuates based on his behefe ond rarity. þēah selling þās items for real-world gold violates Roblox's terms ofer þēowdōm, ðes dēð ne gestillan sum individuals fram dōnde swā þurh blæc mearc sites ond communities, in hwilc gemǣne items, sum ofer hwilc beon stolen, synd oft exchanged for ǣrend methods swilc swā cryptocurrency oþþe hwīlum PayPal.[30] ǣr, āna Roblox released þās gemǣne items him selfum oþ se þæt inbringung ofer "UGC Limiteds" in ēastermōnaþ 2023,[31] hwilc allowed for þā in se þæt UGC Tācen to gecynd ond sellan user-generated items him selfum wiþ gemǣne quantities.[32][33] ƿiðƿunigean Roblox-released gemǣne items, UGC Limiteds ne mæg bēon traded. Hīe cunnan, þēah, bēon resold æfter ān 30-day holding tīd æfter beon bought.[34]
Robux ālǣwan players to bycgan manige items, ond synd obtained bi ġebycgan wiþ sōþ gold, fram ān recurring stipend given to members wiþ ān Premium geƿitnes, ond fram ōþer players bi producing ond selling virtual innehaf in Roblox.[35][36] ǣr to 2016, Roblox hæfde oþer gold, Tix (hrædlice for "Tickets"), þæt wæs discontinued in ēastermōnaþ ofer þæt year.[37]Bysen:Better ǣðelu needed Robux acquired þurh se þæt sala ofer user-generated innehaf cunnan bēon exchanged intō real-world gold þurh se þæt website's Getimbrere Exchange system.[38]
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]ān sizable sum ofer scams befeallan to Roblox, yfele revolving here automated messages promoting scam websites, scam games designed to ā-rīsan to ġiefan ūt freo Robux, ond invalid Robux codes.[39][8] In se þæt Roblox gemǣnscipe, þǣr synd lēode gecneord swā "beamers" hwā compromise Roblox accounts to stelan ond sellan hiera items on blæc markets. Hīe employ manige techniques, swilc swā creating phishing websites oþþe ploys to begietan ān victim's login token.[40] ǣne hīe gain āgang to se þæt victim's æccunt, þās "beamers" stelan ond subsequently sellan weorþful gemǣne items owned bi se þæt victims for real-world gold oþþe cryptocurrency þurh marketplace sites oþþe Discord chatrooms. Se þæt slang term "beaming" is gemǣnlic ġeƿeorþode to gereccan ðes eall wyrt, beforan wiþ se þæt wītega hæfende bēon "beamed". Roblox dēð offrian hacking victims ān "rollback" for hiera items, þēah ðes is āna offered ǣne of account.[30]
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Roblox tīdum hosts real-life ond virtual events. Hīe habban in se þæt ƿeg hosted events swilc swā BloxCon, hwilc wæs ān geþēodnes for gewuna players on se þæt platform.[35] Roblox operates gearlic Easter æġ hunts[41] ond ēac hosts ān gearlic gesceaft genemned se þæt "Bloxy Awards", ān awards æfentid þæt ēac functions swā ān fundraiser. Se þæt 2020 edition ofer se þæt Bloxy Awards, held nēahwæt on se þæt stand, drew 600,000 viewers.[42][43] In 2022, "Bloxy Awards" got rebranded intō se þæt "Roblox Niwung Awards".[44] Roblox Ciric annually hosts se þæt Roblox Developers Geþēodnes, ān three-day invite-only gesceaft in San Francisco hwǣr topp content creators on se þæt stede leornian ofer upcoming changes to se þæt platform.[45] Se þæt gefērscipe hafaþ ēac hosted gelīce events in London ond Amsterdam.[46][47]
Roblox tīdum engages in events to fremian films, swilc swā ones held to fremian wundrian Wīf 1984 ond Aquaman.[48][49] In 2020, Roblox hosted his forma virtual samnung, hwilc wæs compared bi Rolling Stān to þæt ofer American rapper Travis Scott's virtual samnung in Fortnite,[50] duru hwilc American rapper Lil Nas X debuted his sang "Holiday" to ān hēap ofer Roblox players.[50][51][52] In 2021, Swedish swinsung Zara Larsson performed songs æt ān virtual ƿeorþung to gefrætwian hēo se þæt reissuing ofer hēo bec Poster Girl.[53] On September 17, 2021, ān virtual samnung bi se þæt American bend twēntig ān Pilots took place.[54]
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedLevy
- ↑ Morrison, Sherwood (July 12, 2019). "How Roblox avoided se þæt gaming graveyard ond grew intō ān $2.5B gefērscipe". TechCrunch. Retrieved August 28, 2020.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Lyles, Taylor (July 21, 2020). "Over hālf ofer ūs kids synd playing Roblox, ond it's ymb to host Fortnite-esque virtual parties tō". The Verge. Retrieved July 23, 2020.
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Haskins, Heath (September 16, 2021). "Roblox 101: Hū to Macian þīn Forma Plega". PCMag. Retrieved August 4, 2024.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Leroux, Faith (January 11, 2024). "What is Roblox? Navigate se þæt lēod plega crēaciōn stand wiþ ease". Android Police. Retrieved August 4, 2024.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Bysen:Cite bōc
- ↑ "Roblox Toolbox Ful Guide". Learn. ġebyrd. Play. July 31, 2023. Retrieved August 7, 2024.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
- ↑ Wirtz, Bryan (September 29, 2023). "Getting Started Wiþ Roblox Scripting". GameDesigning. Retrieved August 4, 2024.
- ↑ "What Cōd Dēð Roblox Brūcan? (Lua, C++, Java, oþþe Python)". FunTechBlog. June 27, 2022. Retrieved August 4, 2024.
- ↑ Vanbrocklin, Tyler (December 26, 2012). "How to Leornian Roblox ond Roblox Studeo". Game Timbrung Envato Tuts+. Retrieved June 7, 2020.
- ↑ "Why Luau?". Luau (in English). Retrieved 2024-08-03.
All ofer þās motivated ūs to beginnan reshaping Lua 5.1 þæt wē started fram intō ān nīwe, derivative sprǣc þæt wē cleopian Luau. ūre gefōlga is on making se þæt sprǣc mā performant ond feature-rich, ond macian hit easier to wrītan robust cōd þurh ān gemǣnscipe ofer linting ond typan checking notende ān gradual typan system.
- ↑ "Luau Goes Open-Source". Luau (in English). November 3, 2021. Retrieved 2024-08-03.
- ↑ Carter, Marcus; Mavoa, Jane (March 17, 2021). "Why is kids' fæst plega Roblox weorþ $38 biliuna ond hwæt dōn parents neod to cnāwan?". The Conversation. Retrieved March 28, 2021.
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Douthwaite, Andrew; Warneford, Matthew; Pierce, Matt (2020). "Dubit Guide to Roblox for Brands". DocSend. Dubit Gemǣne. p. 5. Retrieved July 10, 2020.
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ givenothingback; Captain_Rando (August 16, 2019). "Paving se þæt Rād to ān User-Generated Cætalog". Roblox Weablog (in English). Retrieved June 4, 2020.
- ↑ coefficients (August 15, 2019). "UGC Cætalog is Nū Libban!". Roblox Getimbrere Forum (in English). Retrieved June 4, 2020.
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ McDowell, Maghan (April 14, 2020). "Digital fashion surges in ān sealt downturn". Vogue Business. Retrieved September 1, 2020.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Takahashi, Dean (March 23, 2020). "Roblox's in-game Bloxy Awards dragan 600,000 spectators". VentureBeat. Retrieved July 21, 2020.
- ↑ Valentine, Rebekah (June 4, 2020). "Roblox's continuing ġebindung ofer ān gefera, crēatif spāc". Gamasutra. Retrieved September 18, 2020.
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
- ↑ Perez, Sarah (August 13, 2019). "Roblox announces nīwe game-creation tools ond marketplace, $100M in 2019 getimbrere inbryd". TechCrunch. Retrieved March 28, 2020.
- ↑ Chapple, Craig (August 11, 2019). "$100m dev payouts, 1.2 biliuna hours ofer engagement ān mōnað: Hwæt wē learned æt se þæt Roblox Developers Geþēodnes". Pocket Gamer. Retrieved April 23, 2020.
- ↑ YoSoyTofu (August 31, 2018). "Thanks for ān Wundorlic RDC 2018 in Amsterdam!". Roblox Weablog (in English). Retrieved August 30, 2019.
- ↑ Takahashi, Dean (June 26, 2020). "Roblox teams wiþ Warner Bros. ond DC on Wundrian Wīf: Se þæt Themyscira Ondrædan". VentureBeat. Retrieved June 26, 2020.
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
- ↑ Bysen:Cite bōc
- ↑ Bysen:Cite nīwes
- ↑ Takahashi, Dean (September 8, 2021). "Roblox wyllan āworpennes Twēntig ān Pilots virtual samnung". VentureBeat. Retrieved September 9, 2021.