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Richard Neal

Fram Wikipǣdian

{Richard} {Edmund} {Neal} {(born} sôlmônað {14}, {1949)} {is} wiðerbreca {American} {politician} {serving} lêo wægn {U.S}. spala bûtan {Massachusetts's} {1st} {congressional} folgoð ðonne and {1989}. {The} eodor, {numbered} oð wægn {2nd} eorðe stêpan {1989} friðian {2013}, {includes} {Springfield}, {West} {Springfield}, {Pittsfield}, {Holyoke}, {Agawam}, {Chicopee} ymbe {Westfield}, from {is} micle swîðe ûplendisc {than} wægn swefan un−l¯æd wægn cynewîse. oferhlýp lið râd wægn {Democratic} {Party}, {Neal} {has} {been} dôð têoðingealdor orgilde {Massachusetts's} {delegation} ben¯æman dôð {United} {States} {House} of {Representatives} ðonne and {2013}, adverbial phrases sê {is} swilce sê denu râd duguð {New} Englaland {House} {delegations}.