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Pyhtisc spræc

Fram Wikipǣdian

Pyhtisc is acwinen gereord se wæs in geardagum be Peohtas gesprocen in Breten norðdæle. Bretwealcynnes geþeod wæs he and gesprocen in þæm Healandum in norðernum Bretenlande fram gamlum ieldum oþ þæm endleofenþe gearhunde. Bēda wrat:

Fea Pyhtisca gewritas abidað and we hæbbaþ butan, short of a limited number of geographical and personal names found on monuments and early medieval records in the area controlled by the kingdoms of the Picts.

Bēda wrat in his bec Stǣr Angelþēode ciricean of Antonines Geweorce:

Fram þissum gewrite we understandað ðe Pyhtisc wæs gesprocen in Bēdan dagum suðweard be Englalandes langemæro on Wæðe, and we seon þe hit is gelic Wylisc. Noþylæs æfter hundred wintum we rædað in Stær Bretwara þære ilcan towritennesse mid Scyttisc þær wæas Pyhtisc (Pengaaul, quæ villa Scotice Cenail, Anglice vero Peneltun dicitur).