Piesanhrycges Beadu
Piesanhrycges Beadu oðre naman Eolhhorn Elehus Feoht feahtedon cempan þæs Gædes Here wiþ þæm Geþofted Here on 7 and 8 Hreðmonaþes in 1862 in þæm Americaniscan Ingfeohte neah Leetown, be norþeasten Fayetteville in Arkansas.
Þæs Gædes heretoga wæs Samuel R Curtis and he brohtede his þreat suðweard fram Missouran middæle and adraf þæt Geþofted þreat in Arkansas norþwest dæle.
Earl Van Dorn Heretoga læd wiþertihtle for þæm Geþoftscipe þe he meaht eft fangan norðern Arkansas and Missouri ac Curtis hine wiþerwunnede on þæm forma dæge and on þæm niehstan dæge adraft he Van Dornes þreat of þæm wælfelde. Be his sige æt Piesanhrycge staðolde se Gæd his weald in Missouran and norþernan Arkansas.