
Middelamerica is landscipe be American, se is landearm betwuh Norðamerican and Sūðamerican þærin sind missenlice riciu.
Hwæðre þes landscipe befehþ Mexico ne ceann man efencymð ac butan þæt land hæfþ Middelamerica seofen riciu þa sind:
Middelamerican ricena gemæro sind mid Mexican be westnorþen and mid Colombie be suðeasten. Se Caribisca Sæ liþ be easten and se Sericus Garsecg is be westen.
In Middelamerican sind manig wyrtcynn and deorcynn gefunden nahwær elleswise, and his fagung gebradaþ fram norþernum Guatemalan oþ Middelpanaman. Manig beorgas in Middelamerican aspreotaþ forðy onsundness is gelomlic in his grunde and eorþbeofung adreccaþ his land oft.