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Mars wiþ Mars (Veronica Mars hēafodweard)

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Veronica Mars capitol
"Mars ƿiþ Mars"
Capitol Rīm. Gēar 1
Capitol 14
Gieststeorra(n) Daran Norris
Leighton Meester
Max Greenfield
Christian Clemenson
Christine Lakin
Lisa Long
Adam Scott
Wrītere(as) Jed Seidel, Diane Ruggiero, Rob Thomas
Dihtere Marcos Siega
Forþātēonnesse Rīm. 2T5713
Rynetælmearc 15 Solmōnaþ 2005
Episode chronology
Ǣrra "Hlāford þæs Blinges"
Nīehst "Russkie Bysignes"

"Mars ongēan Mars" is capitol 14 þæs ȝēares 1 þǣre feorransīene scēaƿunge Veronica Mars.

Spelles scortung

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Hƿonne Carrie Bishop, sēo hlīsancƿēn þāra '09ers, oncann Heorran Rooks, hire dēorestan lǣrere, þæt hē mid hire forliȝþ, Veronica onȝinþ tō sōðienne þæt hēo unrihte spræc and Heorran Rooks unscyldiȝ ƿæs. Nis sƿā ānfeald, hūru, forþǣm hire fæder ƿæs ȝehȳred tō sōðienne þæt hē scyldiȝ is.


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
  • Veronica findeþ sƿēȝȝemynd þæt līclīce īeƿþ Lynn feallende in þā ēa and īeƿþ hit tō Logan, ac hire is ȝehīernes ȝeȝiefen þæt ān hire feohcartena ƿæs ȝebrocen.
  • Veronica āfindþ þæt Abel Koontz stierfþ.

Ƿrītung and Pleȝung

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Cƿidas and smalnessa

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]


[Veronica drīeȝþ tō brecenne Carrie Bishopes spell.]
Veronica: Sƿā? Þæt ne sōðaþ āƿiht. Ic cūðe āƿrītan þæt iċ mētte Kid Rock ǣlċe ƿucende æt þǣm Hedonism Lodge for ƿynlicre bodiȝgnīdunge and smōþdrencum, ac þæt hit ne sōðaþ.

[Veronica screnceþ hīe selfe þurh blēofāg fætinċel in treppan þe hire fæder hire for sette.]
Veronica: This is not funny! I need to see that diary! Hēo līeȝþ. Ic hit ƿāt. I cann feel it with every fiber of my being.
Keith: Honey, you don't have to get all blue in the face.
Veronica: Oh, you're patronizing me? La, þu ȝeēaþmōdast mec?
Keith: To be fair, I am your patron. Fæȝer tō bēonne, eom iċ þīn

Weevil: If you're lookin' for my trophy, it's back by auto shop.
Veronica: Lube job? Or… can you medal in stealing hubcaps?
Weevil: Is this 1970? Rims, baby.
Veronica: So you got a trophy for a rim job?
Weevil: Forget it. Look, I got some information for you.
Veronica: Finally, a Deepthroat to call my own.
Weevil: I'm not gonna touch that one...

Sēo ēac

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Ūtanƿearde bendas

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]