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Mōtung:François Asselineau

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Fram Wikipǣdian

Getæl nīwra worda and earfoðra worda

[adihtan fruman]
Note that in this list: "ȝ"=IPA "j", "ċ"=IPA "t͡ʃ", "sċ"=IPA "ʃ", and "ċȝ"=IPA "d͡ːʒ".
Note that etymologies or rationales for the Old English neologisms should be put after the Modern English translation in square brackets, like so:
  • fȳrƿǣpen (sn) - firearm, gun [calque of "firearm"]
Abbreviations used are: sm/sn/sf = strong masculine/neuter/feminine; wm/wn/wf = weak masculine/neuter/feminine; indecm/indecn/indecf = indeclinable masculine/neuter/feminine; w-dec. = w-declension; u-dec. = u declension; i-mut. = i-mutated; pl. = plural; aj = adjective; desc. = modifier for a noun (a "describer") other than an adjective; av = adverb; w1/w2/w3 = weak verb class; s1/s2/.../s7b = strong verb class.
  • ċēosung (sf) - election [authentic word with less specific meaning of "a choosing"]
  • Folcisċ (aj) Cynewīsawreðiendu (aj) Ȝesamnung (sf) - Popular Republican Union ["Popular Republic-supporting Union"]
  • Europisc (aj) Ȝesamnung (sf) - European Union
  • Ȝemǣne (aj) Insċēawere (sm) - General Inspector [calque of "General Inspector"]
  • stēormǣlmann (i-mut. sm) - politician (calque of Icelandic "stjórnmálamaður")
  • stēormǣlweorod (sn) - political party ["stēormǣl" calque from Icelandic "stjórnmál" - "politics"+"weorod" "group, troupe, band"]

Cross wiki spamming

[adihtan fruman]


The corresponding French article is currently being discussed for deletion, after having been deleted by a very strong majority two years ago.

The key points of this discussion are :

  • there exist now some secondary sources, and some of them focus on him, such as the article in Marianne (typically), and now On n'est pas couché on France 2 (10 days ago), with these comments;
  • however, independant sources of good standing are still rare. So, because François Asselineau has a cyber activist team (about 100 people, headed by Marvin Leroy), spamming and non neutral additions keep coming in large numbers, and even on the French Wikipédia, we fear not to be able to contain it to maintain a balanced article.
    The cross wiki spamming - with over 90 stubs created by François Asselineau's Internet activists (a lot of which have now been deleted) - is proof of this Internet activism; hence the fear that neutral, balanced articles will be extremely difficult to maintain; even the English article is strongly biased, with favorable facts blown out of all proportion, and negative points "forgotten".

So, the current discussion on the French "deletion page" (AfD) centers on this : are the existing sources strong enough to resist spamming and non neutral additions?

For the time being, a majority believe the notability of François Asselineau is not enough to take the risk.

Best regards. --Azurfrog (talk) 22:03, 3 Winterfylleþ 2014 (UTC)

Hey, I'm the main admin on the ang. Wikipedia. We have no formal standards for notability on ang. Wikipedia (and this has so far only caused minor problems, due to the relatively low article creation rate on ang.wikipedia; and the small (read: several people) group of core editors). I guess we might look to consensus on notablity amongst larger Wikipedias, such as en., fr., de., nl., zh., etc. I only have a vague sense of the policies for notability on those Wikipedias (if any such official policies or guidelines do indeed exist - I'm pretty sure they do somewhere...); but in practice, at least on en.wikipedia, minor political parties and figures (including parties even more minor than this party and this figure, in terms of the vote they earn in their own countries; for example en:Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, en:Communist Party of New Zealand, en:Pirate Party UK, and hundreds if not thousands more). As such, I really have no problem with an article on the man exisiting on ang.wikipedia. The ang. article itself is a stub, and does not contain oodles of spam or unbalanced content (in fact, as far as I can see, pretty much none at all - albeit there does seem to be an unhealthy lack of decent third party sources). There is unlikely to be any large influx of unbalanced edits to the ang. article, but in case there is, I have the option of protecting that article. I may review the decision if I see any decisive action to the contrary on either fr.wikipedia or en.wikipedia. Cheers.   Ƿes hāl!    10:32, 13 Winterfylleþ 2014 (UTC)

Cross wiki spamming

[adihtan fruman]

For information - Regards --Lomita (talk) 19:35, 14 Winterfylleþ 2014 (UTC)

For information only

[adihtan fruman]

en.wikipedia decided to keep this article! --Howan Hansi (talk) 06:50, 17 Winterfylleþ 2014 (UTC)

If this François Asselineau character can afford to maintain a team of 100 staff just working on web presence, he's notable just for that. Hogweard (talk) 12:20, 17 Winterfylleþ 2014 (UTC)