Mōtung:Dave Dobbyn
Getæl nīwra worda and earfoðra worda
Note that in this list: "ȝ"=IPA "j", "ċ"=IPA "t͡ʃ", "sċ"=IPA "ʃ", and "ċȝ"=IPA "d͡ːʒ".
Note that etymologies or rationales for the Old English neologisms should be put after the Modern English translation in square brackets, like so:
Abbreviations used are: sm/sn/sf = strong masculine/neuter/feminine; wm/wn/wf = weak masculine/neuter/feminine; indecm/indecn/indecf = indeclinable masculine/neuter/feminine; w-dec. = w-declension; u-dec. = u declension; i-mut. = i-mutated; pl. = plural; aj = adjective; desc. = modifier for a noun (a "describer") other than an adjective; av = adverb; w1/w2/w3 = weak verb class; s1/s2/.../s7b = strong verb class.
- ānsang (sm) - single (song published by itself) ["ān" - "one, solo, alone"+"sang" - "song"]
- ānsangere (sm) - solo singer ["ān" - "one, solo, alone"+"sangere" - "singer"]
- ānscēawere (sm) - solo performer, soloist ["ān" - "one, solo, alone"+"scēawere" - "actor, performer"]
- Aoteaplæse (wf) - Aotea Square ["Aotea Square"]
- cnēatunf (sf) - controversy
- drēamgetæl (sn) - music charts ["music-list"]
- drēamhord (sn) - music album ["music-collection"]
- drēamhordforþberend (sm) - record-producer ["album-producer"]
- fæstnesscarte (wf) - security certificate ["security-legal document"]
- fiðelhrinen (aj) - violin-tinged ["violin-touched"]
- full (aj) īwungspell (sn) - feature-length film ["full film"]
- ȝēogoþrēamlīċ (aj) - pop, pertaining to pop ["youth-music-like"]
- ȝēogoþdrēamtrēpe (sm) - pop band ["youth-music-band"]
- hādlīċ (aj) - personal [calque of "personal"]
- hēahȝieffōnde (aj) - award-winning ["award-getting"]
- hēahȝiefu (sf) - award ["high-gift"]
- īwungspell (sn) - film, movie ["showing-story"]
- līflīċ (aj) - animated (of cartoon) ["life-like"]
- Nīwes Sǣlandes (desc.) Endebyrdness (sf) Ƿeorðes (desc.) - New Zealand Order of Merit ["New Zealand Order of Merit"]
- Nīwsǣlendisċ (aj) - New Zealand (adjective) ["New Zealand-ish"]
- Nīwsǣlendisċ (aj) Hēap (sm) - New Zealand Team ["New Zealand Team"]
- sangwrītend (sm) - songwriter ["song-writer"]
- sangwrītere (sm) - songwriter ["song-writer"]
- spearcræftaspringness (sf) - power failure ["spearccræft" - neologism for "electricity"+"asprungness" - "failure"]
- spēd (sf) - hit (a successful piece of music) [fully authentic word meaning "success"]
- swēȝwriten (aj) - recorded (audio) ["sound-writen"]
- tōferan (1) - break up, fold [fully authentic]
- trēpe (sm) - band [authentic word with meaning of "(military) troupe/band"]
- unearnostlīċe (av) - jokingly, not seriously ["unearnestly"]
- weolcdrēamhēap (sm) - rock band ["rock music-group"]
- weolcdrēamlīċ (aj( - rock, pertaining to rock music ["rocking/rolling-music-like"]
- weorcƿeȝ (sm) - carreer ["work-way"]