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Getæl nīwra worda and earfoðra worda

[adihtan fruman]
Note that in this list: "ȝ"=IPA "j", "ċ"=IPA "t͡ʃ", "sċ"=IPA "ʃ", and "ċȝ"=IPA "d͡ːʒ".
Note that etymologies or rationales for the Old English neologisms should be put after the Modern English translation in square brackets, like so:
  • fȳrƿǣpen (sn) - firearm, gun [calque of "firearm"]
Abbreviations used are: sm/sn/sf = strong masculine/neuter/feminine; wm/wn/wf = weak masculine/neuter/feminine; indecm/indecn/indecf = indeclinable masculine/neuter/feminine; w-dec. = w-declension; u-dec. = u declension; i-mut. = i-mutated; pl. = plural; aj = adjective; desc. = modifier for a noun (a "describer") other than an adjective; av = adverb; w1/w2/w3 = weak verb class; s1/s2/.../s7b = strong verb class.
  • ǣȝlīmtimbermeltende (aj) - protein-digesting
  • ǣtmeltende (aj) - digestive, food-digesting
  • ǣtpīpe (wf) - esophagus
  • ǣtweȝ (sm) - alimentary canal
  • būces (desc.) fierst (sm) - fundus
  • būcliċ (aj) þēote (wf) - gastric canal
  • būctæȝlliċ (aj) hol (sn) - pyloric atrium
  • būctæȝlliċ (aj) liranbend (sm) - pyloric sphincter
  • būctæȝlliċ (aj) þēote (wf) - pyloric canal
  • fealdunga - rugae, rugal folds
  • formest (aj) weall (sm) - anterior wall
  • hryċȝdēor (sn) - vertebrate
  • iȝlsċinndēor (sn) - echinoderm
  • inwyrċend (sm) - enzyme
  • læsse (aj) onbīȝness (sf) - lesser curvature
  • līċdǣl (sm) - organ, body-part
  • māre (aj) onbīȝness (sf) - greater curvature
  • mūþ (snm) þæs būces (desc.) - cardia
  • pīpwǣȝ (sm) - peristalsis
  • sāmmolten (aj) - partially digested
  • sċēatliċ (aj) sċeard (sn) - angular notch
  • seoxsċeancwyrm (sm) - insect, "six-legged worm/bug"
  • smōþ (aj) lira (wm) - smooth muscle
  • sōftlīċdēor (sn) - mollusk, "soft-body-animal"
  • smælþearmas (sm pl.) [authentic] - small intestine
  • wendenduc (sm) - amoeba, "little changer (after literal meaning of "amoeba")"