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Sēo Lundenbyrig sind þā currenta 32 ġemǣnra hīrƿīsendestowa þe samod mid þǣre Cēastre Lunden ġecȳþað þæt administrative āre of Mǣrelunden, Englaþēod; ǣlċ is ġehīredstōl bī Lunden burh hīrƿīsan. Sēo nūwīlende Lundenbyrig wǣron ealle ġesett æt þǣm ilcan tīman swā Mǣrelunden on 1 April 1965 þurh þone Lunden Rīcscipe Æðelu 1963 (c. 33) and sind ān gecynd of ġemǣnlic rīcscipe hīrƿīsendestowa. Twelf wǣron ġeġeornode swā Innera Lundenbyrig and twentig swā Uttera Lundenbyrig. Sēo Cēastre Lunden, þæt hīstorica midleard, is ān sundorġesett hlāforddōmscir and sui generis ġemǣnlic rīcscipe hīrƿīsendestow þæt ġeƿyrceþ swiþe oþerlic fram Lundenbyrig. Hwæðere, þā tū scīra samod becumaþ þæt administrative āre of Mǣrelunden swāwel swā þæt Lunden Gecynde, eall þæt is ēac ġehīredstōl bī þǣm Mǣrelunden Hēafodġewald, under þǣm Burgealdor Lundenes.

Sēo Lundenbyrig hæfþ buendan betwux 150,000 and 400,000. Innera Lundenbyrig offriþ tō bēon smǣlran, on bǣm buendum and ǣre, and mā þīeclice ġebūged þonne Uttera Lundenbyrig. Sēo Lundenbyrig wǣron ġesette þurh ġeġeadorung flocca formerra ġemǣnlicra rīcscipe endemesta. Ān ġehīerednes ġeworht betwux 1987 and 1992 ġelǣdde tō ġehwilcum smǣlum andgytum on burh ġemǣru. Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum ġesylþ þā māndrihten þāra ġemǣnlicra rīcscipe þeowunga (lēornernunge, wǣstem weorc, ġesibþe þeowunga, bōcgaderunga), on ongēan þone foresprecan Mǣrelunden Hēafodġewald, þē hæfþ ġemǣnedne anweald ofer eall Mǣrelunden.

Sēo hīrƿīsanum wǣre first elected on 1964, and acted as shadow authorities until 1 April 1965. Ǣlċ burh is divided into electoral wards, subject to periodic review, for þe purpose of electing hīrƿīsanlors. Þēodġerȳne gecēosungas take place every four years, wiþ þe most recent gecēosungas on 2022, and þe next gecēosungas due on 2026. Sēo political make-up of Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum is dominated bī þē Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties. Tƿentig ond eahta hīrƿīsanum follow þē leader and cabinet model of executive governance, while five have directly elected burgealdors (Croydon, Hackney, Lewisham, Newham, and Tower Hamlets). Sēo City of Lunden is instead gehīredstōlum bī þe City of Lunden Corporation (and þe Innera and Middel Tempels, which are not gehīredstōlum bī þē City of Lunden Corporation).

Heafodgewrit: Underbyrig of Lunden
LundenceasterWestmynsterCynesigantun and CealchyðHammersmiþþe and FullanhamWendelesordeLambhyðSuþweorcTurr HamstedasHacaniegGislandunCampdenuBregentGillingasHundeshlæwSceon on TemesCyningestun on TemesMeretunSuþtunCrogdenuBromleagLiofshemaGrenewicByxleagHaferingasBerecingas and DæccanhamReadbrycgNiwhamWaltham WealdHæringeshægEnanfeldBarnetHeargeHillendun
  1. Lundenceaster (nāht ān Lundenburh)
  2. Westmynsterceaster
  3. Chenesitone and Celchȳþ
  4. Hæmarsmyðe and Fulehām
  5. Ƿandesorde
  6. Lambeth
  7. Southwark
  8. Tower Hamlets
  9. Hackney
  10. Islington
  11. Camden
  12. Brent
  13. Ealing
  14. Hounslow
  15. Richmond upon Thames
  16. Kingston upon Thames
  17. Merton
  1. Sutton
  2. Croydon
  3. Bromley
  4. Lewisham
  5. Greenwich
  6. Bexley
  7. Havering
  8. Barking and Dagenham
  9. Redbridge
  10. Newham
  11. Waltham Forest
  12. Haringey
  13. Enfield
  14. Barnet
  15. Harrow
  16. Hillingdon

Sēore are four bīrig þæt do not have "Lunden Borough" on their official namas: þe City of Westminster, and þe Royal Boroughs of Kingston upon Thames, Kensington and Chelsea, and Greenwich.


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

From þe mid-1930s, þe Greater Lunden area comprised four types of local rīcscipe authorities. Sēore wǣre scirburhas, municipal bīrig, urban geādlondes and metropolitan bīrig. Sēo large scirbyrig provided eall local rīcscipe services and held þe powers usually invested on scir hīrƿīsanum. Sēo municipal burh and urban geādlond authorities had fewer powers. Sēo situation wæs made more complex because scir hīrƿīsanum could delegate functions swelċ as elementary education and bōcgaderian provision to þe municipal burh and geādlond hīrƿīsanum, and þēos wæs implemented piecemeal. Reform of Lunden local rīcscipe sought to regularise þēos arrangement.

Sēo Royal Commission on Local Rīcscipe on Greater Lunden wæs established on 1957 and þāra report wæs published on 19 October 1960. It proposed 52 "Greater Lunden Boroughs" wiþ a buenda range of 100,000 to 250,000.[1] Þis wæs made up of a mixture of hāl existing units, mergers of two or three areas, and two bīrig formed as þē result of a split. In December 1961 þē rīcscipe proposed þæt there would be 34 bīrig rather þanne 52, and detailed þǣre boundaries. Sēo proposed number wæs further reduced to 32 on 1962.

An 1 Ēastermōnað 1965, þǣm 32 Lundenbyrig and Greater Lunden wǣre created bī þǣm Lunden Rīcscipe Act 1963. Tƿelf bīrig on þe former Scir of Lunden area wǣre designated Innera Lundenbyrig and þǣm 20 others wǣre designated Uttera Lundenbyrig. Uttera Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum wǣre local education authorities, but Innera Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum wǣre so designated primarily to continue þǣm existence of an Innera Lunden Education Authority, praised bī official Opposition and rīcscipe who further noted þæt unusually þē former Scir of Lunden's moniġ smæl local authorities had no history of providing education. Sēo City of Lunden continued to be geforemǣþel bī þē City of Lunden Corporation, and þǣm Innera and Middel Tempels continued to govern their own areas. Note þæt, local rīcscipe legislation makes special provision for þǣm City of Lunden Corporation, Innera Tempel and Middel Tempel to perform þe functions of Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum on their areas.

Elections wǣre held on 7 Þrimilcemōnað 1964, wiþ þǣm niwe hīrƿīsanum acting as shadow authorities before coming into þǣre powers þæt following year.

Former authorities

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Þā burgscaīras wǣron gesceapen swā þus. Fela lāþlīċe lȳtle onġewyrhtinga sind ġeworhte tō þǣm gemǣru of burhas þǣm 1965, and tƿā hǣfēþ ġewended heora namas.

Former local authorities on þe Greater Lunden area * Scirburhs * Ġebȳrdaburhs * Ceastraburhs * Ġeādlondburhas
Lundenburh Flocc Former areas
Campasdene Innera Hāmstede (11a) Sanct Pancras (11b) Holhbrūce (11c)
Groneƿic Innera Groneƿic (22a) Ƿullƿīc (part) (22b)
Hacanīeġ Innera Hacanīeġ (9a) Shoreditch (9b) Stoke Newington (9c)
Hæmarsmyðe Innera Hammersmith (4a) Fulham (4b)
Yllinges Innera Yllinges (10a) Finsbury (10b)
Chenesitone and Celchȳþ Innera Kensington (3a) Celchȳþ (3b)
Lambehiþa Innera Lambeth (6a) Wandsworth (part) (6b)
Leofshema Innera Leofshema (21a) Deptford (21b)
Suþriganaƿeorc Innera Bermondsey (7b) Camberwell (7c) Suþriganaƿeorc (7a)
Tūrþorpes Innera Bethnal Green (8a) Poplar (8c) Stepney (8b)
Ƿandesorde Innera Battersea (5b) Ƿandesorðe (part) (5a)
Ƿestmynster Innera Paddington (2c) Sanct Marianburna (2b) Ƿestmynster (2a)
Berchingae Uterra Berchingae (part) (25a) Dæccanhaam (part) (25b)
Bærnet Uterra Bærnet (31a) Eastbærnet (31b) Finchley (31d) Hēahdūn (31c) Brōþorbærnet (31e)
Byxeleah Uterra Byxeleah (23b) Ærrehyðe (23a) Crecganford (23c) Chislehurst and Sidcup (part) (23d)
Brant Uterra Wembley (12a) Willesden (12b)
Bromleag Uterra Bromley (20c) Beckenham (20b) Orpington (20e) Penge (20a) Chislehurst and Sidcup (part) (20d)
Crohdene Uterra Croydon (19a) Coulsdon and Purley (19b)
Ealing Uterra Acton (13b) Ealing (13a) Southall (13c)
Enfelde Uterra Edmonton (30c) Enfield (30a) Southgate (30b)
Hæringeshege Uterra Hornsey (29b) Tottenham (29c) Wood Green (29a)
Hearg Uterra Harrow (32)
Haueringas Uterra Romford (24a) Hornchurch (24b)
Hillendone Uterra Hayes and Harlington (33c) Ruislip Northwood (33b) Uxbridge (33a) Yiewsley and West Drayton (33d)
Hounslow Uterra Brentford and Chiswick (14c) Feltham (14a) Heston and Isleworth (14b)
Cyningestūn uppan Temes Uterra Kingston upon Thames (16a) Malden and Coombe (16b) Surbiton (16c)
Merantūn Uterra Mitcham (17c) Merton and Morden (17b) Wimbledon (17a)
Nīƿehām Uterra West Ham (27a) East Ham (27b) Barking (part) (27c) Ƿullƿīc (part) (27d)
Rēadbrycġ Uterra Ilford (26a) Wanstead and Woodford (26b) Dagenham (part) (26c) Chigwell (part) (26d)
Rīċemund uppan Temes Uterra Barnes (15a) Richmond (15b) Twickenham (15c)
Sūþtūn Uterra Beddington (18c) Carshalton (18b) Sutton and Cheam (18a)
Ƿealdhām Uterra Chingford (28a) Leyton (28c) Walthamstow (28b)

Greater Lunden Þēodġerȳne

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Between 1965 and 1986 þe bīrig wǣre part of a two-tier system of rīcscipe and shared power wiþ þe Greater Lunden Þēodġerȳne (GLC). Sēo split of powers and functions meant þæt þe Greater Lunden Þēodġerȳne wæs responsible for "wide area" services swelċ as fire, ambulance, flood prevention, and refuse disposal; wiþ þe Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum responsible for "personal" services swelċ as social care, bōcgaderianes, grafgeardes and þreaxhord. Several Lundenbyrig hīrƿīsanum and þe GLC wǣre involved on þe rate-capping rebellion of 1985. On 1 April 1986 þe GLC wæs abolished and þe burh hīrƿīsanum gained responsibility for sum services þæt had been provided bī þe Greater Lunden Þēodġerȳne, swelċ as wæste disposal. Sēo Innera Lunden Education Authority continued to exist as an ad hoc authority. In 1990 hit wæs abolished and þe Innera Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum also became local education authorities.

Name and gemǣru changes

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Sēo Local Rīcscipe Act 1972 provided a mechanism for se nama of a Lunden burh and its hīrƿīsan to be changed. Þis wæs used bī þe Lunden Borough of Hammersmith (changed to Hammersmith and Fulham) on 1 April 1979 and se Lunden Borough of Barking (changed to Barking and Dagenham) on 1 January 1980. Borough namas formed bī combining two locality namas had been discouraged when se bīrig wǣre created.

Sēo Lundenbyrig wǣre created bī combining hāl existing units of local rīcscipe and hit wæs realised þæt þēos might provide arbitrary boundaries on sum placum. Sēo Lunden Rīcscipe Act 1963 provided a mechanism for communities on þē edge of Greater Lunden to petition for transfer fram Lundenbyrig to a neighbouring scir geādlond.[2] Þis wæs used on 1969 on þē transfers of Knockholt on Bromley to Kent, and of Farleigh and Hooley on Croydon to Surrey. Sēo Act also provided for transfers between Lundenbyrig and neighbouring counties where there wæs consensus for þe change between eall þe relevant local authorities. Þis provision wæs used to exchange two islands on þe River Thames between Richmond upon Thames and Surrey. (See List of Greater Lunden gemǣru changes.)

Sēo Local Rīcscipe Boundary Commission for England wæs established bī þe Local Rīcscipe Act 1972 to review periodically þe boundaries of Greater Lunden and þe Lundenbyrig. Sēo first review of boundaries commenced on 1 April 1987 and reported on 1992.[3] Following þe review a series of relatively minor adjustments wǣre made to burh boundaries, for example uniting þe hāl þāra Becontree estate on Barking and Dagenham. Sēo commission noted þæt moniġ of its recommendations wǣre strongly opposed and wǣre not implemented. Sēo gemǣru þāra City of Lunden wiþ adjacent bīrig wæs adjusted to remove sum anomalies.[4]

Sēo Lundenbyrig wǣre incorporated using þe provisions þāra Municipal Corporations Act 1882.[5] In þe Lundenbyrig þe legal entity is not þe hīrƿīsan, as elsewhere on þe country, but þe inhabitants incorporated as a legal entity bī royal charter (a process abolished elsewhere on England and Wales under þe Local Rīcscipe Act 1972). Thus, a Lunden authority's official legal title is "Sēo Burgealdor and Burgesses þāra Lunden Borough of X" (or "Sēo Lord Burgealdor and Citizens þāra City of Westminster").[6]

Greater Lunden Authority

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In 2000 þē Greater Lunden Authority wæs created, comprising þe Burgealdor of Lunden and þe Lunden Assembly. As a strategic authority, hit absorbed only limited powers, swelċ as major heahwegs and plannung strategy, fram þē burh hīrƿīsanum.

Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum

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Bysen:Politics of London

Sēo Lundenbyrig are geforemǣþel bī Lunden burh hīrƿīsanum (sometimes abbreviated LBCs), which are elected every four years. Sēoy are þe principal local authorities on Lunden and are responsible for running most local services, swelċ as schools, social services, wæste collection and roads. Some Lunden-wide services are run bī þe Greater Lunden Authority, and sum services and lobbying of rīcscipe are pooled within Lunden Þēodġerȳnes. Some hīrƿīsanum flocca together for services swelċ as wæste collection and disposal. Sēo bīrig are local rīcscipe geādlondes and have similar functions to metropolitan bīrig. ǣlċ burh hīrƿīsan is a local education authority.

Bysen:London local authority functions

Shared services

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Shared services are burh hīrƿīsan services shared between two or more bīrig. Shared services wǣre previously resisted due to hīrƿīsanum guarding their authority. However, as þe need for budget cuts on þe late 2000s became apparent sum hīrƿīsanum have sought service mergers.[7] Westminster and Hammersmith & Fulham wǣre due to merge their education services, including school admissions and transport, bī 2011.[8] In October 2010, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster announced plans to merge eall their services to create a "super-hīrƿīsan". ǣlċ would retain its own political identity, leadership and hīrƿīsanlors but staff and budgets would be combined for cost savings.[9] Lambeth and Southwark likewise expressed an interest on sharing services.[10]

Sēo management thinker and inventor þāra Vanguard Method, Professor John Seddon, claims þæt shared service projects based on ættempts to achieve economies of scale are a mix of a) þe plausibly obvious and b) a little hard dataBysen:Clarify, brought together to produce two broad assertions, for which there is little hard factual evidence.[11] He argues þæt shared service projects fail (and often end up costing more þanne they hoped to save) because they cause a disruption to þe service flow bī moving þe work to a central location, creating wæste on hand-offs, rework and duplication, lengthening þe time hit takes to deliver a service and consequently creating failure demand (demand caused bī a failure to do something or do something right for a customer).[12] Seddon referred directly to þe so-called tri-borough shared services on an article on 2012.[13]

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[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
  1. Sharpe, LJ (1961). The Report of The Royal Commission on Local Government in Greater London. 
  2. London Government Act 1963 Section 6 (4)
  3. The Local Government Boundary Commission for England, The Boundaries of Greater London and The London Borough, Report 627 (1992). Writen fram the original on 15 December 2017. Begieten on 24 December 2024.
  4. The City and London Borough Boundaries Order 1993.
  5. London Government Act 1963 (as amended). “The Municipal Corporations Act 1882 shall apply to every London borough”
  6. Local Government Act 1933. “The municipal corporation of a borough shall [...] (a) in the case of a borough being a city, the mayor of which is entitled to bear the title of lord mayor, bear the name of the lord mayor, aldermen and citizens of the city; (b) in the case of any other borough being a city, bear the name of the mayor, aldermen and citizens of the city; and (c) in the case of any other borough, bear the name of the mayor,' aldermen and burgesses of the borough.”
  7. Jane Dudman (20 October 2010) Public sector cuts will not hit 'back office' hardest, The Guardian
  8. Jaimie Kaffash (7 July 2010) London boroughs to share education services, Public Finance
  9. Pickles backs plan to merge Tory councils, BBC News, 22 October 2010
  10. Lambeth and Southwark councils to merge some services under Labour plan.
  11. Why do we believe in economy of scale?.
  12. Systems Thinking in the Public Sector, John Seddon, Page 57.
  13. Shared illusions | Public Finance Opinion.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Bysen:London Bysen:Subdivisions of England Bysen:Borough status in the United Kingdom