Hypphopp drēam

Hypphopp drēam (Niwenglisc: hip-hop music) or rǣpdrēam (Niwenglisc: rap music) is ǣnig gecynd cȳðnes/heġeseoƿ stīle þe ongan on þām 1970um on þǣre Þā Bruncs. Hē hēafode on þām Ængleode Amerīcan, Africisce Amerīcan, Arabisce Amerīcan, ond Puerto Rican/Hispanic ond Latino Amerīcan burhstede on sumum of þām miclum burgum þǣre Fōranwealdan Rīces. Hypphopp brūcaþ drūmwelwela geworht be drūmwelcum, ond ræppunga, hƿǣr sē rǣppere oþþe geƿeorca cƿið oþþe sagað word mid hrīm þe geþēod. Hīe gieddu ðara hypphopp lēod are of oft þæs līf þǣre burgware on þām miclan burgum. Hypphopp sangum brūcaþ eac sangstylas fram pop swā swā disc. Ræppunga ond hypphopp sang sindon geƿorden gesundfullice sang ðeod."