
Se hrōc (Corvus frugilegus) is fugol on þǣre cnōsle Corvidae.
Hē is on micelnesse gelīc ǣscrāƿan mid sƿeartum feðerum and oft ēac mid hǣƿnum oþþe hǣƿenbasum lēoman on beorhtum sunnanlēohte. Feðera on hēafode, halse, and sculdorum sind ānlīce þicca and seolciga. Þā sceancan and fēet his sind oftost sƿearte oþþe grǣge, and þæt nebb is deorcgrǣg.
Hrōcas sind synderlice fram ōðrum crāƿum fram heora nacodum grǣghƿītum scinne æt þǣm staðole þæs nebbes þæs ieldran, ætfōran þǣm ēagum. Þā feðera ymb þǣm sceancum his sind ēac raggigran and frēoran þonne sēo ǣscrāƿe, þe is on ilcan cnōsle. Sēo geogoþ his is ūtancunde gelīcre þǣre crāƿan for þǣm þe hit is lēas þǣm nacodan dǣle scinnes be þǣm nebbe, ac hit alīeseþ þā feðera þǣrymb sƿifte nēan seoxum mōnaðum æfter his geogoðe.