Rīce | Hongcong |
Hēafodburg | Uictoria |
Bæceringmet | 22.264444, 114.187222 |
Hēafodtopp | Uictoriatopp |
Hēanes | 1,811 fet |
Mennscipe | 600,000 |
Hongcongieg (Seringisc: 香港島) is iegland in Hongconges suþdæle þæs landscipes. Fram þisse iege cymð þæs landscipes naman. Hiere onwunednas sind 1,289,500 geþrungen in 30 mila2.
Þan Bretware comon in 1842 oneardedon þrie þusenda manna þeos ieg in twelf fiscwicum. In þæm ilcan geare anfang Brettas Hongcongieg fram Seringarice be þæm Nancing Foremæl and se niwa Ealdormann staðolde Uictoriaburg her.
The Middelhongcong on þisse iege is Hongconges stærlic heort and eac leodweardes setl and ceapmanna stede. Ðisse iege norþrim is Uictoriahæfnes suðecg: deop is þes hæfen and manig micle woruldceapung scipu gesegliaþ hider.
On Hongcongiege sind manigu mæru þing. Her earon "Se Topp", Garsecg Edisc, and manigfealde stærlice stedas and micle ceapungstowas. Hiere beorgas bringaþ manig menn for feþunge.
Ðære iege stedas
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]On Hongcongiege sing missenlice underbyrig: