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Frēodōmes þōht

Fram Wikipǣdian

Frēodōmes þōht is þōht ymb frēodōm and gefērlice efennesse. Frēodōm is se hēafodlica intinga on ealdƿīslicum frēodōmes þōht, and efenness is hegifgre on gefērlicum frēodōmes þōhte. Frēodōmes þōhtes fyrðrendas habbaþ grēate fǣgnesse þōhta, æfter heora understandinge frēodōmes and gefērlicre efennesse, ac oft hī heriaþ þōht sƿilce folcƿealdes cēosunga, folcriht, frēodōm tīdunge, frēodōm gelēafan, frēo mangung, and ānlēpig ǣhtgeƿeald.

Frēodōmes þōht ǣrost ƿearþ sundorlīc stēormǣles brǣdung under þǣre yldo inlīhtunge, þǣr hit ƿearþ folclic ongemang ūþƿitum and feohƿendungƿitum on Europe and landum þā nēasibb him ƿǣron. Frēodōmes þōht aƿearp þā þōht þā ƿǣron folclicu on þǣm tīman, sƿilce irfestōlas, rīca þēodscipas, forstrang ānƿeald, and þā godcundan riht ānƿealdena. Man sægþ oft þe John Locke staðolode þisra daga frēodōmes þōht. John acƿæþ þe menn hæfdon gecyndelicu riht līfes, frēodōmes, and ǣhtgeƿealdes; and sægde þe lēodƿearda ne scoldon aƿerdan þās riht for þǣre gefērlican foreƿearde. Frēodōmes þōhtes fyrðrendas ƿiþstōdon selenessa gehealdunge and ƿolde settan lahƿeald and aspelianda folcƿeald on stede āngeƿealdes þurh bebodu.

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