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Fæger hǣr

Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Fæȝer hǣr)
Natural Blond Woman 2019
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Fæger is hǣrhīƿ þe man mæg in sumum lēodum findan, þe habbaþ lȳtel þæs deorcan scinnhīƿes melanine. Þæt ānsīene hīƿ cymþ of missenliċum þingum, ac aƿa hæfþ gylden hīƿ, fram āblæc tō rēadisc "strēaƿberge" fægrum hǣre, þe hæfþ mā eumelanin.


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Þæt ƿord fæger cymþ of Ealdorliċum Þēodisce *fagraz, and his sƿeostorƿord in ōðrum sprǣcum sind Eald Norðisc fagr, Eald Hēah Þēodisc fagar, and Geatisc fagrs.[1]{{ }}

Þæt Nīƿe Englisc ƿord for fæger hǣr is blonde, þe man ēac ƿrīteþ sƿā blond. Ƿrāt man þis ƿord ǣrest in 1481, and cymþ hit of þǣm Eald Frenċisc ƿord blont þe mǣnþ "hīƿ þe is healf betƿēonan gylden and lēoht ċisten." Man nū brūceþ þis ƿord in þǣm stede þæs Ealdan Engliscan ƿordes fæger. Þæt Englisc ƿord, and þus ēac þæt Frenċisc ƿord blonde hæfþ tƿegen mihteliċ frymðas. Sum sprǣcmenn cƿeðaþ þæt cymþ hit of þǣm Middlan Ieldan Lǣdnan ƿorde blundus, mǣnþ gēolu, fram Ealdum Francisce *blund, hƿelċ gesibb hit mid Ealdum Englisce blonden-feax, ēac cuþ sƿā greg hǣred, fram blanden.