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Isernieldan byrgen on Eoƿlande
Eowland on þǣm Swēoniscum landscipum
Eowland on þǣm Swēoniscum landscipum

Eoƿland (Sweonisc: Öland) is landscipe þāra Sƿēona. Hit is īeg on Ōstsǣ be Sƿēolandes ēasternum sǣrīme.

Ƿulfstān ƿrāt:

Ƿeonoðland him ƿæs on stēorbord, and on bæcbord him ƿæs Langaland and Læland and Falster and Scōnēg; and þās land eall hȳrað tō Denemearcan. And þonne Burgenda land ƿæs ūs on bæcbord, and þā habbað him sylf cyning. Þonne æfter Burgenda lande ƿǣron ūs þās land þā synd hātene ǣrest Blecinga ēg, and Meore and Eoƿland and Gotland on bæcbord; and þās land hȳrað tō Sƿēon.

In Ƿīdsīð ƿē rēadaþ:

Breoca Brondingum,
Billing Ƿernum.
Osƿine ƿēold Eoƿum
ond Ytum Gefƿulf,
Fin Folcƿalding
Fresna cynne.
Sigehere lengest
Sædenum ƿēold,
Hnæf Hocingum,
Helm Ƿulfingum,

Landscipas Sƿēolandes (Landskap) Fana Sƿēolandes
Ångermanland | Bohuslän | Blecinga īeg | Dalarna | Dalsland | Ēastgeatland | Eoƿland | Gästrikland | Gotland | Halland | Hälsingland | Härjedalen | Jämtland | Lapland | Medelpad | Norrbotten | Närke | Scōnīeg | Småland | Södermanland | Uppland | Värmland | Västerbotten | Ƿestgeatland | Ƿestmannland