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Ecga and Eofor

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Ecga and Eofor
Langbearda Cyning
Cynedom ymbe 200s eac 300s
Foregenga Sceaf
Æftergenga Ægelmund
Hus Guðingas
Modor Gandbera

Ecga and Eofor, eac hatte Agio and Ybor, ƿæron tƿegen broþorlic talugespunnen cyningas þāra Langbearda.

Þa Langbeardas fyrestlic ƿæron of Scedenigum and gehaten "Ƿinlas", sƿa spæc Origo Gentis Langobardorum. Cyningas Embra and Ossa ƿeold Ƿendlas crafodon Ƿinla gield, þe Ƿinlas ofhæfdon. Þus þa Ƿendlas ƿag Ƿinlas and for sige frugnon Ƿoden. Ƿoden cyþde he ƿolde geaf hƿam he fyrestlic seah dagunge sige.

Sƿa spæc Paulus Diaconus, Ƿinlas feaht Ƿendlas, and ƿæron sigeadig. Heddon Frige ræde, þa Ƿinlaƿif Gandbera Ecgan and Eofores modor lædde, ƿerede heora lange hær gelicum beardum. Ƿoden ƿoc and seah forma þa Ƿinlas, and ascode, "Hƿæt sind þas lang beardas?"[1] Andsƿarode Frig, "Forþon þu geaf him heora nama, gief him sige". He dyde sƿa tyhte. Þa Ƿinlas þus ƿæron sigefolc and þanon “Ƿinlas” ƿæron “Langbeardas” gehaten.

Ecgan and Eofores fæder ungecnaƿen; heora modor ƿæs Gandbera Langbearda Cƿen. Ægelmund ƿæs Ecgan sunu and begra cyninga æftergengan.

  1. Origo Gentis Langobardum, ch. 1