Corn sind mǣste grasu getilod for hiere sifeðum oþþe sādum. Corn sind ƿeorþlic fōda in mǣstum dǣlum þǣre ƿorulde.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Grain |
2006 (t) |
2005 (t) |
1961 (t) | Notes |
Mǣse | 695,287,651 | 712,877,757 | 205,004,683 | Ƿeorþlic fōda lēoda in Norðum American, Sūðum American, and Africa and cƿicæhte ƿoruldƿīd; oft "corn" oþþe "Indisc corn" gehāten on Nīƿum Englisce in Norðum American, Australian, and Nīƿum Sǣlande. |
Rīs[1] | 634,575,804 | 631,508,532 | 284,654,697 | Þæt mægn corn tropical and sumra ƿearma steda. |
Hƿǣte | 605,256,883 | 628,697,531 | 222,357,231 | Þæt mægn corn ƿearma steda. |
Bēaƿ | 138,704,379 | 141,334,270 | 72,411,104 | Gegrāƿen for maltung and cƿicæhte on landum þe sind tō ƿǣdful oþþe ceald for hƿǣte. |
Sorghum | 56,525,765 | 59,214,205 | 40,931, 625 | Ƿeorþlic fōda in Asian and Affrican and folclic ƿoruldƿīd for cƿicæhte. |
Ammias | 31,783,428 | 30,589,322 | 25,703,968 | Clīeƿen gelica ac syndrigra corna þe sind ƿeorþlic fōdan in Asian and Affrican. |
Ǣte | 23,106,021 | 23,552,531 | 49,588,769 | Ǣrlic se ƿeorþlic fōda Scotlandes and gemǣne ƿoruldƿīd for cƿicæhte. |
Ryge | 13,265,177 | 15,223,162 | 35,109,990 | Ƿeorþlic in cealdum stedum. |
Triticale | 11,338,788 | 13,293,233 | 0 | Hybrid of hƿǣte and ryge, gegrāƿen gelice tō ryge. |
Buccahƿǣte | 2,365,158 | 2,078,299 | 2,478,596 | Lēascorn, brocen in Eurasia. Grēate brȳcen beinnaþ missentlica pannececlas and groats. |
Fonio | 378,409 | 363,021 | 178,483 | Mænig cynn þe man grēƿeþ sƿā fōdaƿyrte in Affrican. |
Cƿinoa | 58,989 | 58,443 | 32,435 | Lēascorn, gegrōƿen on þǣm Andebēorgum. |
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ The weight given is for paddy rice
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