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How to read a taxoboxWikipǣdia:How to read a taxobox
How to read a taxobox

Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Animalia
Stefn: Chordata
Understefn: Vertebrata
Flocc: Mammalia
Oferhād: Laurasiatheria
Hād: Carnivora
Cnēoris: Felidae
Cnōsl: Felis
Cynn: F. silvestris
Þrinemniendliċ nama
Felis silvestris catus
Schreber, 1775

Felis lybica invalid junior synonym
Felis catus invalid junior synonym

Sēo catte, ēac hatte hūscatte, is lytel flǣscetende sycedēor þe lōcaþ tō þǣm undercynne Felis silvestris catus. Hire ƿilde foregengan, þencþ man, ƿæs sēo Mesopotamisce ƿildcatte. Sēo catte drohtnode mid menn hūru 9,500 gēara,[1]

Seoh ēac

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
  1. Oldest Known Pet Cat? 9500-Year-Old Burial Found on Cyprus. National Geographic News (2004-04-08). Begieten on 2007-03-06.
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