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Þis geƿrit hæfþ ƿordcƿide on Nīƿenglisce.

Canceler (Lǣden: cancellarius), ambihtlic tītul gebrocen fram mǣste þāra lēoda, þe hæfdon land and laga þe ofcwōmon of þǣm Rōmāniscum Rīce. Aht different tīmas and on different rīcūm hit hæfde stood and stands for mægen various duties, and hafaþ been, and is, borne by officers of various degrees of dignity. The original chancellors were the Cancellarii of Roman courts of justice- ushers who sat at the cancelli or lattice work screens of a basilica or law court, which separated the judge and counsel from the audience. A Chancellor's office is called a chancellery or chancery.

Leodweardena cancelras

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Canceler of Ēastrīċe (Germanisc: Bundeskanzler), is sē titul for þone rīcscipe heafod on Ēastrīċe. On Ēastrīċum Wealdcræftas se Bundeskanzler part is sūmhwæt cynnlic tō þǣm þe Fyrmestscealc.


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

The Þēodscmanna Canceler oððe (Germanisc: Bundeskanzler), is Þēodsclandes rīces lēodweardes hēafodman. Þær is Cancelerhād swa swa Forma Þegn in Brettaþēodna rīcum. Hiera Bundeskanzler cēaseþ sē þēodisc Witenagemōt.

Æfter þǣre fæstnung Þēodisclandes, on 1871, se "Rīcskanslere" (Germanisc: Reichskanzler) þæs Rīces dihte, nēalǣhte nō ānlīce swā rīcscipe heafod, ac eallswa swā se foresittende ealdormann þæs "Bundesrat", þæs upphames þæs Þēodiscan folcþinges. Æfter þǣm hryre þæs Þēodiscan cynedōmes on 1917, se Þēodisca canceler ne leng preside ofer þæt uppham þæs folcþinge


[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

For manega hundfeald ġēar, se Franclandes Cyng ġesette a Canceler (Frencisc: Chancelier de France), an weorc ġefēan mid þǣm þæs cynges hēahsetl. Se Canceler wæs andwerd for sumum dēomscipas. On þǣm rīcum Cynges Hloðwiges se eahfonteoða, Ceorles se tēoða, and Hloðwiges Filip, se Canceler of Francland preside ofer se Chamber of Peers, þæt uppham þæs rīcal Frenscican folcþinges

On Finnland se Canceler of Rihtwīsnes (Finnisc: Oikeuskansleri, Justitiekanslern) oferlōciġe se dǣð of dǣdum tōcen bī Rīcscipe ond se wæċċaþ þǣm þurhfērdnes þāra ealdġeþēodlicra folcrihting. On þissum spēce weorce, se Canceler eac sitt on þǣm Finniscum Rīcseldrum, þǣm Rǣdþeode þæs Rīces.


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See Poland below.

In the Kingdom of Poland, from the 14th century, there was a royal chancellor. In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1795), the four Chancellors (Kanclerzs) were among the ten highest officials of the state. Poland and Lithuania each had a Grand Chancellor and a Deputy Chancellor, each entitled to a senatorial seat, responsible for the affairs of the whole Kingdom, each with his own chancery. See Offices in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.


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In Sweden the Chancellor of Justice or Justitiekanslern acts as the Solicitor General for the Swedish Government. The office was introduced by Charles XII of Sweden in 1713. Historically there was also Lord High Chancellor or Rikskansler as the most senior member of the Privy Council of Sweden. There is in addition to this a University Chancellor or Universitetskansler, which leads the National Agency for Higher Education.

In Russian Empire, the Chancellor was highest rank of civil service as defined by Table of Ranks, on the same grade as Field Marshal and General Admiral. Only the most distinguished government officials were promoted to this grade, such as Foreign ministers Alexander Gorchakov and Alexey Bestuzhev-Ryumin.

Spain and Latin America

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In Spanish-speaking countries, the title of Chancellor (Spanish: Canciller) is usually given to the government ministers (or equivalent Cabinet-level positions) in charge of foreign policy or foreign language affairs.


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In Swissland, the Federal Chancellor (Bundeskanzler, Chancelier fēdēral, Cancelliere della Confederazione) is elected by the Swiss parliament. He or she heads the Federal Chancellery, the general staff of the seven-member executive Federal Council, the Swiss government. The Chancellor participates in the meetings of the seven Federal Councilors with a consultative vote and prepares the reports on policy and activities of the council to parliament. The chancellery is responsible for the publication of all federal laws.

Geānlǣht Cynerīce

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In the Geānlǣht Cynerīce, a number of cabinet ministers hold offices containing the word Chancellor.

  • The Lord Chancellor (Lord High Chancellor, King's Chancellor) is the occupant of one of the oldest offices of state, dating back back to the Kingdom of England, and older than Parliament itself. Theoretically, the Lord Chancellor is the "Chancellor of Great Britain"; there was formerly an office of "Chancellor of Ireland" which was abolished in 1922, when all but Northern Ireland left the United Kingdom. The Lord Chancellor, the highest non-Royal subject in precedence (with the exception of the Archbishop of Canterbury), fulfills a threefold role:
    • He is the de facto speaker of the House of Lords. The House of Lords in theory hæfþ no speaker, but as its most senior member, the Lord Chancellor, in full court dress and full bottomed wig, sits on the Woolsack and "presides," but hæfþ little actual authority. In practice, deputies often preside instead.
    • The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary. Formerly, the Lord Chancellor was the sole judge in the Court of Chancery. Since þæt court hafaþ been combined with others to form the High Court, the Lord Chancellor hæfþ served as the head of the Chancery division, but þæt role hafaþ been delegated to the Vice-Chancellor. The Lord Chancellor is also permitted to participate in judicial sittings of the House of Lords; he also chooses the Committees þæt hear appeals in the House. The latter role is in practice fulfilled by the Senior Lord of Appeal in Ordinary. The current Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer of Thoroton, hæfþ indicated þæt he does not desire to take part in the House's judicial business in the interests of separation of powers.
    • Head of the Department for Constitutional Affairs (formerly the Lord Chancellor's Department), as the head of which he sits in the cabinet.
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Minister with overall responsibility for the Exchequer or Treasury. This too is an ancient title dating back to the Kingdom of England. It is roughly the equivalent of the Minister of Finance or Secretary of the Treasury in other governmental systems. In recent years, when the term "Chancellor" is used in British politics, it is taken as referring to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. As Second Lord of the Treasury, the Chancellor hafaþ an official residence at Number 11, Downing Street, next door to the First Lord of the Treasury, the Prime Minister, at Number 10, Downing Street.
  • Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, another ancient office of state, the Chancellor being the Minister of the Crown responsible in theory for the running of the Duchy of Lancaster, a duchy in England ġelangod to the Crown but historically maintained separately from the rest of the kingdom, whose net revenues langiġe to the monarch in person. In reality the post of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, effectively like a chairman of trustees, carries minimal work and responsibilities, so it is used in effect as a Minister without Portfolio position, often given to the chairman of the party in power to give him or her a seat in cabinet.

Geanedan Ricu

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On se Geanedan Ricu, se rīcscipe sē āna rīhtwisa þe þone titul begeat canceler is þæt Canceler þæs Smiþsonian Hīwscipes (Niwenglisc: Chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution). Þis weorc is sƿīþe bēacenlīc stōw, būtan ǣnigre sōþe mæġen. Þæt hāþ langġebēon ġehealden bīǣlċ Chief Justice of the United States during his term. As the Smithsonian is an academic institution, however, its use of the title is perhaps best thought of as akin to a eormengyldenes chancellor (see below).

Ǣn handfull of rīcu þāra Geāndena Rīca American, swa swa Delaƿare, gēn gehealdan ānspēon Domhusas Cancelerige ƿīþ dēmendƿeald ofer efenriht hæppendes. Dēmendes hwǣm sitte on þēos domas genemend Canceleres.

Eormengyld Canceleres

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The title is frequently used — particularly in Europe — to indicate the head of a eormengyld. (Alternatively, the title rector is also popular.) Oxnaford and Grantanbrycg have both been headed by a Chancellor since medieval days, although today the office is largely ceremonial, and the daily administration is in the hands of a Vice-Chancellor. Many universities in the Commonwealth follow their model.

Cænadisc eormengylden follow the Bryttisc tradition in having a figurehead chancellor, but the day-to-day operations are typically handled by a "foresittend," "principal" or "rector" who also carries the title of Vice-Chancellor.

On Australand, þæt Canceler is Chairman of the Eormengyldum governing body; thus, as well as having ceremonial duties, the Chancellor participates in the governance of the Eormengyld (but not its active management). The Chancellor is assisted by a Deputy Chancellor. The Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor are frequently drawn from the senior ranks of business or the judiciary (it is one of the few jobs considered compatible with judicial service). Some universities have a Visitor, who is senior to the Chancellor, and is generally the state Governor (or, for Catholic universities, a Bishop). Once upon a time, eormengyld disputes could be appealed from the governing board to the Visitor (as is still the case in the UK), but nowadays such appeal is generally prohibited by legislation, and the position has only ceremonial functions. (In fact, little function at all, since the Visitor will rarely attend Eormengyld functions, unlike the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor, who frequently preside at functions such as graduations.)

In the United States, universities usually call their heads "foresittendas," but the name chancellor is sometimes seen, most commonly in a system of connected state universities. A given state's university system is often headed by a "chancellor" who serves as the system-wide chief, while individual campuses are headed by foresittendas; a typical example is the California State University system. Exceptions include the Eormengyld Ēalascæs system, the Eormengyld Californies system, Eormengyld Norþcarolīnas system, Eormengyld Illinoise system, and the Eormengyld Wisconsines, ƿiþīn hƿelc þæs tƿā titles are reversed. Swā swā on California, þāra bȳsn, þȳ CSU canceler supervises the foresittendas of CSU's 23 campuses, while the UC foresittend supervises the chancellors of UC's 9 campuses.

The College of William and Mary uses chancellor in the British way for a figurehead leader, at present the former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. But the day-to-day head is an American-style "foresittend," not a "vice-chancellor."

Crīstna cirican

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In þǣm Crīstnum cirican, is se Canceler bisceopscīre lahwita þe spelaþ þā cirican in lahlicum intingum.

Sēo ēac

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