Cǣgbord (spearctellend)

Cǣgbord is on spearctellnytte tōl þe mann brȳcþ tō wrītenne and sendenne bodu þǣm spearctellende. Hit hæfþ monige cnæppas þā mann sliehþ. Gewunelīce ǣlc cnæpp forþbirþ ān tācn þǣr hē wierþ geslægen, ac ēac mann cann brūcan ōðre wendende cnæppas (tō bȳsne "alt", "caps lock", and "ctrl") tō wendenne þæt tācn þe is forþboren fram þǣm cnæppe. Ēac, sumu weorcgewritu cǣgborda brūcaþ māran cnæppas þonne ān tō forþberenne ān tācn.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Þǣr sind manige gecynd cǣgborda; þās sind sumu heora:
- Stīþ, līchāmlīc cǣgbord (gewunelīc cǣgbord)
- Bescinen cǣgbord
- Bȳgendlīc cǣgbord
- Bredboren cǣgbord