Bysen:Port:Innung/Cynd setnung/Intro
Port is inlādiende tramet tō sumum intingan. Hē āwreðiaþ þæt hēafodgewrit þæs andtimbres mid þȳ hē inlādaþ þǣm rǣdende tō hēafodgewritum, biliðum, and floccum, þe þæt andtimber furður āmearcaþ. Portas helpaþ ādihterum ēac tō findenne sibbe weorc and þing þe hīe cunnon dōon tō helpenne tō gebētenne Wicipǣdian. Syndrige portas sind in bealdum-italiscum.
Nū sind 125 syndrige portas, of ealra þāra Bysen:Number of portals porta on Wicipǣdian.