You are welcome to use this for verification of articles.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]I will update this list of references from time to time. It will grow to include not only references I have found through reading scholarly articles and monographs since 1989, but also references found by the many Wikipedians who edit articles about intelligence and related subjects. Enjoy. And feel free to tell me about yet more references on the Suggestions page (the talk page for this Intelligence Citations bibliography); I will verify the references and do the typing to put them in citation format. I encourage my fellow Wikipedians to read these sources and to comment about them.
Intelligence citations bibliography
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Pathfinder to best literature on IQ and human intelligence
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]This intelligence citations bibliography is meant to be a shared resource for the use of all Wikimedia project editors on any Wikimedia project in any language. The bibliography will err on the side of being inclusive, taking note of which sources have been used before in articles on related topics. This section is a pathfinder to the best literature on IQ, intelligence, and giftedness. The best single book mentioned here is Mackintosh (2011) IQ and Human Intelligence[1] because it includes a masterful review of the primary research literature and is very clear and accurate. Mackintosh's book was very up-to-the-minute when it was first published in 1998 and it is even better in its 2011 second edition. Good for broader perspective on human intelligence is Sternberg & Kaufman (Eds.) (2011) The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence,[2] a collection of articles by many of the leading scholars of the field, which also includes a superb set of references to the primary literature. To review some of the major issues through a source with great readability, read Kaufman (2009) IQ Testing 101,[3] a good overview of nearly all issues closely connected to IQ testing. Another readable and enjoyable book with superb citations to the professional literature is Stanovich (2009) What Intelligence Tests Miss,[4] an exploration of human cognition beyond IQ.
Many nuts-and-bolts issues about how to design IQ tests, how to administer them, and how to interpret them are discussed in specialized handbooks for professional psychologists. This literature is blessed by publications from several thoughtful authors, among which I especially recommend Kaufman and Lichtenberger (2006) Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence[5] for adult IQ testing and Sattler (2008) Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations,[6] a rare example of an excellent and highly regarded self-published book, for child IQ testing. Both are by experienced clinicians who have designed major IQ tests.
A lot of what motivated my interest in these issues is pondering what form of education is appropriate for gifted children. A scholarly overview of that subject is Heller, Mönks, Sternberg (Eds.) (2000) The International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent,[7] which includes articles from several different countries by many authors well-known in the gifted child literature. A helpful book for parents, which is also food for thought for adults without children, is Dweck (2006) Mindset.[8] It is remarkably difficult to find books about education of gifted children that are up to date with the latest research on human intelligence and IQ testing. One exception to that general problem is Degen, Subotnik, Matthews (Eds.) (2009) The Development of Giftedness and Talent Across the Life Span.[9]
Legend for source ratings
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]I rate sources along two dimensions: 1) with quality class icons, to show how likely they are to provide new information and thoughtful perspective even for Wikipedians who are familiar with the literature in this subject, and 2) with Rx symbols, "yes" checkmarks (Bysen:Aye), or "no" crossmarks (Bysen:Nay), to show my estimate of whether the source is reliable for editing article text on Wikipedia. Along dimension 1, very useful sources that are not to be missed by readers interested in the topic are marked with the featured article star (Bysen:Classicon), good sources that even readers familiar with the topic can learn from are marked with the good article plus mark (Bysen:Classicon), A-class sources with the A-class letter (Bysen:Classicon), B-class sources with the B-class letter (Bysen:Classicon), C-class sources with the C-class letter (Bysen:Classicon), barely useful sources with the start-class icon (Bysen:Icon), and minor sources for fine points with the stub icon (Bysen:Classicon). The templates for these symbols are updated by other editors from time to time and may not look today the way they looked when I put the templates into this bibliography. Along dimension 2, a Rx symbol indicates a source that is mostly a reliable source of medical-article quality, a "yes" green check symbol (Bysen:Aye) indicates a source that is mostly a reliable source for most statements it contains, and a "no" red x (Bysen:Nay) symbol indicates a source that is unreliable for some statements it contains. A source can receive both a Bysen:Aye checkmark and a Bysen:Nay crossmark if it contains a mixture of statements, some of which are reliably referenced and some of which are unreliably referenced to that source (depending on the nature of the source and on the nature of the statements). The source ratings particularly keep in mind the general Wikipedia content guideline on reliable sources and the specific Wikipedia essays on identifying reliable sources in natural science, identifying reliable sources in medicine, and identifying reliable sources about history. And of course sources without a source rating are just sources I haven't had time to rate yet.
In the subsections on more specific topics below, the numerical order of sources is the "read this first" order for rapid acquaintance with some of the best literature on the subtopic. The first-listed books lay down a conceptual foundation that helps with understanding and remembering more technical details in other books and with evaluating the sources they rely on.
Best literature on psychometrics and nature of human cognition
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Flynn, James R. (2012). Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-60917-4.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx Mackintosh, N. J. (2011). IQ and Human Intelligence, second, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-958559-5.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (2011) The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521739115.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Flynn, James R. (2009). What Is Intelligence?: Beyond the Flynn Effect, expanded paperback, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-74147-7.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Hunt, Earl (2011). Human Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-70781-7.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (1981) Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, sixth, Engelwood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-236273-2. “Many parents are unaware that intelligence tests tend to measure primarily scholastic aptitude and that many other cognitive abilities that can be legitimately considered to reflect intelligence and special abilities are untapped.”
- Bysen:Classicon Rx Stanovich, Keith (2009). What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought. New Haven (CT): Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-12385-2.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx Deary, Ian (2001). Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-289321-5.
Best literature on specifics of IQ testing
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Bysen:Classicon Rx (2006) Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence, 3rd, Hoboken (NJ): Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-73553-3.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Kaufman, Alan S. (2009). IQ Testing 101. New York: Springer Publishing, 151-153. ISBN 978-0-8261-0629-2.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (2012) Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, tests, and issues, Third, New York (NY): Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-60918-995-2.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (2013) APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology. American Psychological Association. ISBN 978-1-4338-1227-9. Begieten on 15 December 2014.
- (2 October 2012) Handbook of Psychology. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-89127-8. Begieten on 25 November 2013.
- (11 March 2011) Intelligence and Intelligence Testing. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-1-136-82321-3. Begieten on 31 August 2013.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Sattler, Jerome M. (2008). Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations. La Mesa (CA): Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher. ISBN 978-0-9702671-4-6.
Best literature on gifted education
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Dweck, Carol (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York (NY): Random House. ISBN 978-1-4000-6275-1.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (2000) International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, 2nd, Amsterdam: Pergamon. ISBN 978-0-08-043796-5.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (2009) The Development of Giftedness and Talent Across the Life Span. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association. ISBN 978-1-4338-0414-4.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Shurkin, Joel (1992). Terman's Kids: The Groundbreaking Study of How the Gifted Grow Up. Boston (MA): Little, Brown. ISBN 978-0-316-78890-8.
Citations for the best literature on topics related to human intelligence
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ Mackintosh, N. J. (2011). IQ and Human Intelligence, second, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-958559-5.
- ↑ (2011) The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521739115.
- ↑ Kaufman, Alan S. (2009). IQ Testing 101. New York: Springer Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8261-0629-2.
- ↑ Stanovich, Keith (2009). What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought. New Haven (CT): Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-12385-2.
- ↑ Bysen:Classicon (2006) Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence, 3rd, Hoboken (NJ): Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-73553-3.
- ↑ Sattler, Jerome M. (2008). Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations. La Mesa (CA): Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher. ISBN 978-0-9702671-4-6.
- ↑ (2000) International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, 2nd, Amsterdam: Pergamon. ISBN 978-0-08-043796-5.
- ↑ Dweck, Carol (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York (NY): Random House. ISBN 978-1-4000-6275-1.
- ↑ (2009) The Development of Giftedness and Talent Across the Life Span. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association. ISBN 978-1-4338-0414-4.
Books and other monographs
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]I now list most longer works such as published books and other monographs in a separate subpage on books and other monographs.
Please feel free to tell me about yet more references on the Suggestions page for this citations list.
Below in this section I'll provide a summary list of some of the very best monographs on this subject, including classic works that set the agenda for research on this subject, in reverse chronological order (newest books listed first). The subpage on books and other monographs includes all of these books and many more, including some I haven't had time to rate yet. The books listed immediately below I have mostly read from cover to cover, and keep at hand in my office for reference as I continue research on this subject both on and off Wikipedia.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (1 August 2013) Assessing Intelligence in Children and Adolescents: A Practical Guide. Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-4625-1121-1. Begieten on 9 June 2014.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (2013) APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology. American Psychological Association. ISBN 978-1-4338-1227-9. Begieten on 15 December 2014. This three-volume handbook for practitioners is especially authoritative and comprehensive. Volume 1: Test Theory and Testing and Assessment in Industrial and Organizational Psychology includes chapters by Anita M. Hubley, Bruno D. Zumbo, Kurt F. Geisinger, Edward W. Wiley, Noreen M. Webb, Richard J. Shavelson, Stephen G. Sireci, Tia Sukin, Li Cai, Steven P. Reise, Tyler M. Moore, Mark G. Havil, Randall D. Penfield, Jeanne A. Teresi, Richard N. Jones, Neal M. Kingston, Sylvia T. Scheuring, Laura B. Kramer, David J. Weiss, Michael J. Kolen, Amy B. Hendrickson, John J. McArdle, John J. Prindle, Daniel R. Eignor, Jane Close Conoley, Collie W. Conoley, Rafael Julio Corvera Hernandez, Frederick T. L. Leong, Yong Sue Park, Mark M. Leach, Cathy Wendler, Jeremy Burrus, Michael J. Zieky, Michael C. Rodriguez, Thomas M. Haladyna, Samuel E. Krug, Suzanne Lane, Tim McNamara, John P. Campbell, Juan I. Sanchez, Edward L. Levine, Nathan R. Kuncel, Adam S. Beatty, Neal Schmitt, Juliya Golubovich, Nancy T. Tippins, Robert L. Dipboye, Stefanie K. Johnson, Leaetta M. Hough, Brian S. Connelly, George C. Thornton III, Uma Kedharnath, Robert E. Ployhart, Anna-Katherine Ward, Scott Highhouse, John A. Kostek, Eugene Burke, Carly Vaughan, Ray Glennon, Kevin R. Murphy, Paige J. Deckert, Paul M. Connolly, Deniz S. Ones, Stephan Dilchert, Ann Marie Ryan, Paul R. Sackett, Reeshad S. Dalal, Marcus Credé, Paul J. Hanges, Elizabeth D. Salmon, Juliet R. Aiken. Volume 2: Testing and Assessment in Clinical and Counseling Psychology includes chapters by Janet F. Carlson, Sara Maltzman, Virginia Smith Harvey, William M. Grove, Scott I. Vrieze, Beth E. Haverkamp, Elizabeth V. Swenson, Katie L. Sharp, Alexander J. Williams, Kathleen T. Rhyner, Stephen S. Ilardi, Phillip L. Ackerman, Antonio E. Puente, Antonio N. Puente, Irving B. Weiner, James N. Butcher, Shawn Bubany, Shawn N. Mason, Lisa A. Suzuki, Mineko Anne Onoue, Jill S. Hill, Michael J. Lambert, David A. Vermeersch, Sandra L. Horn, Joni L. Mihura, Gregory J. Meyer, Christopher T. Barry, Paul J. Frick, Randy W. Kamphaus, Kirk Heilbrun, Stephanie Brooks Holliday, Elizabeth M. Altmaier, Benjamin A. Tallman, Mark E. Maruish, Bryan J. Dik, Patrick J. Rottinghaus, Jane L. Swanson, Melanie E. Leuty, Nancy E. Betz, Moin Syed, Margit I. Berman, Sueyoung L. Song, Hyung Chol Yoo, Stephanie T. Pituc, Stephen E. Finn, Hale Martin, Bonnie Moradi, Mike C. Parent, Michael F. Steger, Jennifer E. Stevenson, Kathleen B. Kortte, Cynthia F. Salorio, Daniel E. Rohe, Jo-Ida C. Hansen, Todd J. Wilkinson, Tammi Vacha-Haase, Cindy I. Carlson, Lauren S. Krumholz, Douglas K. Snyder, and H. Elizabeth King. Volume 3: Testing and Assessment in School Psychology and Education includes chapters by Jack A. Naglieri, Janet E. Panter, Bruce A. Bracken, John O. Willis, Ron Dumont, Alan S. Kaufman, R. Steve McCallum, Nancy Mather, Bashir Abu-Hamour, Bridget V. Dever, Randy W. Kamphaus, Carol Robinson-Zañartu, Jerry Carlson, Tanya L. Eckert, Adrea J. Truckenmiller, Jennifer L. Rymanowski, Jennifer L. Koehler, Elizabeth A. Koenig, Bridget O. Hier, Thomas Oakland, Matthew Daley, Giselle B. Esquivel, Maria Acevedo, Thomas Oakland, Solange Muglia Wechsler, Kobus Maree, Matthew K. Burns, David C. Parker, Susan Jacob, Steven E. Stemler, Robert J. Sternberg, Wayne Camara, Sheryl Packman, Andrew Wiley, Diane F. Halpern, Heather A. Butler, Carina McCormick, Jamal Abedi, Rebecca Kopriva, Craig A. Albers, Mark R. Raymond, Richard M. Luecht, Drew H. Gitomer, Courtney A. Bell, Ruth A. Childs, Pei-Ying Lin, Richard J. Tannenbaum, Irvin R. Katz, Ronald K. Hambleton, April L. Zenisky, Neil J. Dorans, Michael E. Walker, Christopher P. Borreca, Gail M. Cheramie, Elizabeth A. Borreca, Kadriye Ercikan, Juliette Lyons-Thomas, Gregory Camilli, Derek C. Briggs, Finbarr C. Sloane, Ting-Wei Chiu, John Hattie, and Heidi Leeson.
- Bysen:Classicon Kaufman, Scott Barry (1 June 2013). Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined. Basic Books. ISBN 978-0-465-02554-1. Begieten on 1 October 2013.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Flynn, James R. (2012). Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-60917-4.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (2012) Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, tests, and issues, Third, New York (NY): Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-60918-995-2. This handbook for practitioners includes chapters by John D. Wasserman, Randy W. Kamphaus, Anne Pierce Winsor, Ellen W. Rowe, Sangwon Kim, John L. Horn, Nayena Blankson, W. Joel Schneider, Kevin S. McGrew, Jie-Qi Chen, Howard Gardner, Robert J. Sternberg, Jack A. Naglieri, J. P. Das, Sam Goldstein, Lisa Whipple Drozdick, Dustin Wahlstrom, Jianjun Zhu, Lawrence G. Weiss, Dustin Wahlstrom, Kristina C. Breaux, Jianjun Zhu, Lawrence G. Weiss, Gale H. Roid, Mark Pomplun, Jennie Kaufman Singer, Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, James C. Kaufman, Alan S. Kaufman, Nadeen L. Kaufman, Fredrick A. Schrank, Barbara J. Wendling, Colin D. Elliott, R. Steve McCallum, Bruce A. Bracken, Jack A. Naglieri, Tulio M. Otero, Cecil R. Reynolds, Randy W. Kamphaus, Tara C. Raines, Robb N. Matthews, Cynthia A. Riccio, John L. Davis, Jack A. Naglieri, Tulio M. Otero, Dawn P. Flanagan, Vincent C. Alfonso, Samuel O. Ortiz, Catherine A. Fiorello, James B. Hale, Kirby L. Wycoff, Randy G. Floyd and John H. Kranzler, Samuel O. Ortiz, Salvador Hector Ochoa, Agnieszka M. Dynda, Nancy Mather, Barbara J. Wendling, Laurie Ford, Michelle L. Kozey, Juliana Negreiros, David E. McIntosh, Felicia A. Dixon, Eric E. Pierson, Vincent C. Alfonso, Jennifer T. Mascolo, Marlene Sotelo-Dynega, Laura Grofer Klinger, Sarah E. O’Kelly, Joanna L. Mussey, Sam Goldstein, Melissa DeVries, James B. Hale, Megan Yim, Andrea N. Schneider, Gabrielle Wilcox, Julie N. Henzel, Shauna G. Dixon, Scott L. Decker, Julia A. Englund, Alycia M. Roberts, Kathleen Armstrong, Jason Hangauer, Joshua Nadeau, Jeffery P. Braden, Bradley C. Niebling, Timothy Z. Keith, Matthew R. Reynolds, Daniel C. Miller, Denise E. Maricle, Denise E. Maricle, Erin Avirett, Rachel Brown-Chidsey, Kristina J. Andren, George McCloskey, James Whitaker, Ryan Murphy, Jane Rogers, and John B. Carroll.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (2012) Developmental Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies, Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies. Thousand Oaks (CA): SAGE. ISBN 978-0-85702-757-3. This textbook includes chapters by Roger Kobak, Thomas H. Ollendick, Thomas M. Sherman, Peter Muris, Neville J. King, Karen E. Adolph, Kari S. Kretch, David Klahr, Alan M. Slater, Denis Mareschal, Jordy Kaufman, Kelly McWilliams, Daniel Bederian-Gardner, Sue D. Hobbs, Sarah Bakanosky, Gail S. Goodman, Wendy Johnson, Usha Goswami, Coralie Chevallier, Gail D. Heyman, Kang Lee, Jennifer E. Lansford, Richard N. Aslin, and Ann S. Masten.
- (2 October 2012) Handbook of Psychology. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-89127-8. Begieten on 25 November 2013. This handbook for practitioners includes chapters by Irving B. Weiner, John R. Graham, Jack A. Naglieri, Paul M. Spengler, John D. Wasserman, Bruce A. Bracken, Cecil R. Reynolds, Lisa A. Suzuki, Kurt F. Geisinger, Carina McCormick, Mark E. Maruish, James N. Butcher, Celiane Rey-Casserly, Gerald P. Koocher, Leonard Handler, Justin D. Smith, Martin Sellbom, Brandee E. Marion, R. Michael Bagby, Nancy Howells Wrobel, David Lachar, Jeffery P. Braden, Jerry J. Sweet, Steven M. Tovian, Leslie M. Guidotti Breting, Yana Suchy, Richard J. Klimoski, Torrey R. Wilkinson, James R. P. Ogloff, Kevin S. Douglas, Edwin I. Megargee, Barry A. Edelstein, Ronald R. Martin, Lindsay A. Gerolimatos, Tulio M. Otero, Kenneth Podell, Philip DeFina, Elkhonon Goldberg, Rodney L. Lowman, Andrew D. Carson, Robert J. Craig, William H. O’Brien, Kathleen M. Young, Donald J. Viglione, Bridget Rivera, and Yossef S. Ben-Porath.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (2011) The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521739115. The Cambridge Handbook includes chapters by N. J. Mackintosh, Susana Urbina, John O. Willis, Ron Dumont, Alan S. Kaufman, Janet E. Davidson, Iris A. Kemp, Samuel D. Mandelman, Elena L. Grigorenko, Raymond S. Nickerson, Joseph F. Fagan, L. Todd Rose, Kurt Fischer, Christopher Hertzog, Robert M. Hodapp, Megan M. Griffin, Meghan M. Burke, Marisa H. Fisher, David Henry Feldman, Martha J. Morelock, Sally M. Reis, Joseph S. Renzulli, Diane F. Halpern, Anna S. Beninger, Carli A. Straight, Lisa A. Suzuki, Ellen L. Short, Christina S. Lee, Christine E. Daley, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Thomas R. Zentall, Liane Gabora, Anne Russon, Richard J. Haier, Ted Nettelbeck, Andrew R. A. Conway, Sarah Getz, Brooke Macnamara, Pascale M. J. Engel de Abreu, David F. Lohman, Joni M. Lakin, Keith E. Stanovich, Richard F. West, Maggie E. Toplak, Scott Barry Kaufman, Ashok K. Goel, Jim Davies, Katie Davis, Joanna Christodoulou, Scott Seider, Howard Gardner, Robert J. Sternberg, John D. Mayer, Peter Salovey, David Caruso, Lillia Cherkasskiy, Richard K. Wagner, John F. Kihlstrom, Nancy Cantor, Soon Ang, Linn Van Dyne, Mei Ling Tan, Glenn Geher, Weihua Niu, Jillian Brass, James R. Flynn, Susan M. Barnett, Heiner Rindermann, Wendy M. Williams, Stephen J. Ceci, Ian J. Deary, G. David Batty, Colin DeYoung, Richard E. Mayer, Priyanka B. Carr, Carol S. Dweck, James C. Kaufman, Jonathan A. Plucker, Ursula M. Staudinger, Judith Glück, Phillip L. Ackerman, and Earl Hunt.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx Mackintosh, N. J. (2011). IQ and Human Intelligence, second, Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-958559-5.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Hunt, Earl (2011). Human Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-70781-7.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Gregory, Robert J. (2011). Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications, Sixth, Boston: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN 978-0-205-78214-7.
- Bysen:Classicon (2010) Innovations in Educational Psychology: Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Human Development. New York: Springer Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8261-2162-2. This review of current research includes chapters by John Baer, Ronald A. Beghetto, Peter Bryant, Matia Finn-Stevenson, Florencia Gomez, Patricia M. Greenfield, Elena L. Grigorenko, Patricia Imbarack, Patricia T. Kantor, James C. Kaufman, Heidi Keller, Alex Kozulin, Xiaodong Lin, Samuel D. Mandelman, Javiera Mena, Sarah Michaels, María Elena Mora, Adam J. Naples, Terezinha Nuñes, Miguel Nussbaum, Cathy O'Connor, David R. Olson, Blanca Quiroz, Natalia Rakhlin, K. Ann Renninger, Lauren B. Resnick, Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, Alan H. Schoenfeld, Robert S. Siegler, Marcos Singer, Keith E. Stanovich, Paula J. Stanovich, Florence R. Sullivan, Alex Torres, Elise Trumbull, Richard K. Wagner, and Edward Zigler.
- Bysen:Classicon (2010) 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions about Human Behavior. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-3112-4. Begieten on 15 June 2014.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (2010) WAIS-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Perspectives, Alan S. Kaufman (Foreword), Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional, Amsterdam: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-375035-8. This practitioner's handbook includes chapters by Diane L. Coalson, Susan Engi Raiford, Donald H. Saklofske, Lawrence G. Weiss, Hsinyi Chen, Jossette G. Harris, James A. Holdnack, Xiaobin Zhou, Jianjun Zhu, Jacques Gregoire, Munro Cullum, Glenn Larrabee, Gerald Goldstein, Timothy A. Salthouse, and Lisa W. Drozdick.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Groth-Marnat, Gary (2009). Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Fifth, Hoboken (NJ): Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-08358-1.
- Bysen:Classicon Dehaene, Stanislas (2009). Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention. New York (NY): Viking. ISBN 9780670021109.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Kaufman, Alan S. (2009). IQ Testing 101. New York: Springer Publishing, 151-153. ISBN 978-0-8261-0629-2.
- Bysen:Classicon Flynn, James R. (2009). What Is Intelligence?: Beyond the Flynn Effect, expanded paperback, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-74147-7.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx Richards, Graham (2009). Psychology: The Key Concepts. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-43201-6.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx Stanovich, Keith (2009). What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought. New Haven (CT): Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-12385-2.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Sattler, Jerome M. (2008). Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations. La Mesa (CA): Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher. ISBN 978-0-9702671-4-6.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (2006) The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521840972. This review of current research includes chapters by K. Anders Ericsson, Michelene T. H. Chi, Earl Hunt, Paul J. Feltovich, Michael J. Prietula, Ray. J. Amirault, Robert K. Branson, Bruce G. Buchanan, Randall Davis, Edward A. Feigenbaum, Julia Evetts, Harald A. Mieg, Ulrike Felt, William J. Clancey, Philip L. Ackerman, Margaret E. Beier, Jan Maarten Schraagen, Robert R. Hoffman, Gavan Lintern, Paul Ward, A. Mark Williams, Peter A. Hancock, Robert W. Proctor, Kim-Phuon L. Vu, Lauren A. Sosniak, Janice M. Deakin, Jean Côté, Andrew S. Harvey, Dean Keith Simonton, Geoff Norman, Kevin Eva, Lee Brooks, Stan Hamstra, Francis T. Durso, Andrew R. Dattel, Sabine Sonnentag, Cornelia Niessen, Judith Volmer, Ronald T. Kellogg, Karol G. Ross, Jennifer L. Shafer, Gary Klein, J. Frank Yates, Michael D. Tschirhart, Eduardo Salas, Michael Rosen, C. Shawn Burke, Gerald F. Goodwin, Stephen M. Fiore, Andreas C. Lehmann, Hans Gruber, Nicola J. Hodges, Janet L. Starkes, Clare MacMahon, Helga Noice, Tony Noice, David A. Rosenbaum, Jason S. Augustyn, Rahal G. Cohen, Steven A. Jax, Fernand Gobet, Neil Charness, John M. Wilding, Elizabeth R. Valentine, Brian Butterworth, Jim F. Voss, Jennifer Wiley, John Horn, Hiromi Masunaga, Anna T. Cianciolo, Cynthia Matthew, Richard K. Wagner, Robert J. Sternberg, Mica R. Endsley Nicole M. Hill, Walter Schneider, Barry J. Zimmerman, Ralf Th. Krampe, Neil Charness, Harald A. Mieg, and Robert W. Weisberg.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (2006) WISC-IV Advanced Clinical Interpretation, Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional. Burlington (MA): Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-088763-7. This practitioner's handbook includes chapters by L.G. Weiss, J.G. Harris, A. Prifitera, T. Courville, E. Rolfhus, D.H. Saklofske, J.A. Holdnack, D. Coalson, S.E. Raiford, D.M. Schwartz, P. Entwistle, V. L. Schwean, and T. Oakland.
- Bysen:Classicon Dweck, Carol (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York (NY): Random House. ISBN 978-1-4000-6275-1.
- Urbina, Susana (2004). Essentials of Psychological Testing. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-41978-5.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (2003) The Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-00776-4. Begieten on 15 May 2014. This review of contemporary research includes chapters by Robert J. Sternberg, Margaret E. Beier, Philip Ackerman, Paul B. Baltes, Ralf T. Krampe, Tamoe Kanaya, Susan M. Barnett, Stephen Ceci, Anders Ericsson, Michael W. Connell, Kimberly Sheridan, Howard Gardner, Elena L. Grigorenko, Michael J. A. Howe, J. W. Davidson, Dean K. Simonton, and Richard E. Mayer.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx Deary, Ian (2001). Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-289321-5.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (2000) The Nature of Intelligence, Novartis Foundation Symposium 233. Chichester: Wiley. DOI:10.1002/0470870850. ISBN 978-0471494348. Begieten on 16 July 2010.
- Bysen:Classicon (2000) International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, 2nd, Amsterdam: Pergamon. ISBN 978-0-08-043796-5. The International Handbook includes chapters by A. Ziegler, K.A. Heller, A.J. Tannenbaum, R.J. Sternberg, F. Gagné, M. Csikszentmihalyi, R. Wolfe, E. Winner, G. Martino, D.K. Simonton, N.J. Schofield, E. Mason, L.A. Thompson, R. Plomin, W. Schneider, M. Gross, W. Lens, P. Rand, L. Coleman, T.L. Cross, I. Schoon, M. Morelock, D.H. Feldman, R.F. Subotnik, K.D. Arnold, M. Pasupathi, U. Staudinger, J.F. Feldhusen, F.A. Jarwan, L. Kanevsky, C. Perleth, G. Trost, L-N.M. Cohen, J. VanTassel Baska, J.S. Renzulli, S.M. Reis, H. Gruber, H. Mandl, P. Olszewski-Kubilius, S.P. Whalen, W. Wieczerkowski, M. Pyryt, R. Manstetten, O.D. Andreani, A. Pagnin, A. Cropley, K.K. Urban, S. Moon, H. Rosselli, J. Campbell, C.M. Callahan, L. Hernández de Hahn, A. Baldwin, J. Freeman, J.H. Borland, L. Wright, N. Colangelo, S. Assouline, W. Peters, F.A. Kaufmann, F.X. Castellanos, D. Lubinski, B. Kerr, C. Yewchuk, J. Lupart, R.A. Rudnitski, J. Gallagher, J.A. Leroux, R. Persson, E. Grigorenko, T. Subhi, N. Maoz, Shi Jiannong, Zha Zixiu, Wu-Tien Wu, E. Braggett, R.I. Moltzen, C. Taylor, S. Kokot, and E.M.L. Soriano de Alencar.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Deary, Ian (2000). Looking Down on Human Intelligence: From Psychometrics to the Brain. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-852417-5. Begieten on 29 July 2010.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx Mackintosh, N. J. (1998). IQ and Human Intelligence. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-852367-3.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (1997) Psychological Testing, Seventh, Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0023030857.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (1997) Intelligence, Genes, and Success: Scientists Respond to the Bell Curve. New York (NY): Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-94986-4. This review of contemporary research includes chapters by Stephen E. Fienberg, Daniel Resnick, Terry W. Belke, Michael Daniels, Bernie Devlin, Kathryn Roeder, Douglas Waslsten, Burton Singer, Carol Ryff, Earl Hunt, Nicholas Lemann, John Cawley, Karen Conneely, James Heckman, Edward Vytacil, Alexander Cavallo, Hazem El-Abbadi, Randal Heeb, Christoper Winship, Sanders Korenman, Lucinda A. Manolakes, Clark Glymour, Edward Zigler, and Sally J. Styfco.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (1993) The Origins and Development of High Ability, Ciba Foundation Symposium 178. Chichester: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-51450-4.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Shurkin, Joel (1992). Terman's Kids: The Groundbreaking Study of How the Gifted Grow Up. Boston (MA): Little, Brown. ISBN 978-0-316-78890-8.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Brody, Nathan (1992). Intelligence, second, San Diego (CA): Academic Press. ISBN 978-0121342517.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (1985) Handbook of Intelligence, consulting editors: Douglas K. Detterman, Alan S. Kaufman, Joseph D. Matarazzo, New York (NY): Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-89738-5. This handbook includes chapters by Paul B. Baltes, Ann E. Boehm, Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr., Nathan Brody, Valerie J. Cook, Roger A. Dixon, Gerald E. Gruen, J. P. Guilford, David O. Herman, John L. Horn, Lloyd G. Humphreys, George W. Hynd, Randy W. Kamphaus, Robert M. Kaplan, Alan S. Kaufman, Nadeen L. Kaufman, Deirdre A. Kramer, Roger T. Lennon, Michael Lewis, Joseph D. Matarazzo, Damian McShane, Mary N. Meeker, Kazuo Nihira, Thomas Oakland, Ronald Parmelee, Cecil R. Reynolds, Nancy L. Segal, Robert J. Sternberg, Margaret Wolan Sullivan, Steven G. Vandenberg, George P. Vogler, W. Grant Willis, Benjamin B. Wolman, James W. Soo-Sam, and Irla Lee Zimmerman.
- Bysen:Classicon Rx (1981) Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, sixth, Engelwood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-236273-2. “Many parents are unaware that intelligence tests tend to measure primarily scholastic aptitude and that many other cognitive abilities that can be legitimately considered to reflect intelligence and special abilities are untapped.”
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye Wesman, Alexander G. (1975). Selected Writings of Alexander G. Wesman. New York: Psychological Corporation. ISBN 0-15-003134-3.
- Bysen:Classicon Calhoun, Daniel (1973). The Intelligence of a People. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-04619-8.
- Goodenough, Florence L. (1949). Mental testing: its history, principles, and applications. Rinehart. OCLC 14673092.
- Bysen:Classicon Bysen:Aye (1937) Measuring intelligence: A guide to the administration of the new revised Stanford-Binet tests of intelligence, Riverside textbooks in education. Boston (MA): Houghton Mifflin. OCLC 964301.
- (1916) The development of intelligence in children: The Binet-Simon Scale, E. S. Kite (Trans.), Publications of the Training School at Vineland New Jersey Department of Research No. 11, Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. Begieten on 18 July 2010.
- Stern, William [1912 (Leipzig: J. A. Barth, original German edition)] (1914). Die psychologischen Methoden der Intelligenzprüfung: und deren Anwendung an Schulkindern, Guy Montrose Whipple (English translation), Educational psychology monographs, no. 13, Baltimore: Warwick & York. OCLC 4521857. Begieten on 15 June 2014.
Please remember, the subpage on books and other monographs includes all of these books and many more, including some I haven't had time to rate yet. Your suggestions are always welcome.
Journal articles and book chapters
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Book chapters from edited books (monographs) about scholarly topics are often very good sources for Wikipedia articles. By contrast, scientific journal articles are often primary—and unreplicated—sources for the factual statements they contain, and thus are not reliable sources for editing Wikipedia articles. I take care in this bibliography to refer mostly, although not exclusively, to book chapters and journal articles that are of the "review article" nature, suitable to be medically reliable sources. The list below includes some of the best review articles and chapters from authoritative handbooks on human intelligence.
- Plomin, R; Deary, I J (2014). "Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings". Molecular Psychiatry. doi:10.1038/mp.2014.105. ISSN 1359-4184. Retrieved 24 September 2014.
- Johnson, Wendy (2012). "How Much Can We Boost IQ? An Updated Look at Jensen's (1969) Question and Answer", Developmental Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies, Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies. Thousand Oaks (CA): SAGE. ISBN 978-0-85702-757-3.
- Nisbett, Richard E.; Aronson, Joshua; Blair, Clancy; Dickens, William; Flynn, James; Halpern, Diane F.; Turkheimer, Eric (2012). "Group differences in IQ are best understood as environmental in origin". American Psychologist 67 (6): 503–504. doi:10.1037/a0029772. ISSN 0003-066X. PMID 22963427. Retrieved 22 July 2013. Lay summary (22 July 2013).
- Nisbett, Richard E.; Aronson, Joshua; Blair, Clancy; Dickens, William; Flynn, James; Halpern, Diane F.; Turkheimer, Eric (2012). "Intelligence: new findings and theoretical developments". American Psychologist 67 (2): 130–159. doi:10.1037/a0026699. ISSN 0003-066X. PMID 22233090. Retrieved 22 July 2013. Lay summary (22 July 2013).
- Deary, Ian J. (2012). "Intelligence". Annual Review of Psychology 63 (1): 453–482. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-120710-100353. ISBN 978-0-8243-0263-4. ISSN 0066-4308. Retrieved 8 December 2013.
- Urbina, Susana (2011). "Chapter 2: Tests of Intelligence", The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 20–38. ISBN 9780521739115.
- Wasserman, John D. (2012). "Chapter 1: A History of Intelligence Assessment: The Unfinished Tapestry", Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, tests, and issues, Third, New York (NY): Guilford Press, 3–55. ISBN 978-1-60918-995-2.
- Johnson, Wendy; Turkheimer, E.; Gottesman, Irving; Bouchard, Thomas (2009). "Beyond Heritability: Twin Studies in Behavioral Research". Current Directions in Psychological Science (Association for Psychological Science) 18 (4): 217–220. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2009.01639.x. PMID 20625474. PMC 2899491. Archived from the original on 29 June 2010. Retrieved 21 September 2014.
- Borsboom, Denny (September 2006). "The attack of the psychometricians". Psychometrika 71 (3): 425–440. doi:10.1007/s11336-006-1447-6. PMC 2779444. Retrieved 21 September 2014.
- Brody, Nathan (2005). "Chapter 26: To g or Not to g—That Is the Question", Handbook of Understanding and Measuring Intelligence. Thousand Oaks (CA): SAGE Publications, 489–281. ISBN 978-0-7619-2887-4.
- Carroll, John B. (1998). "Human Cognitive Abilities: A Critique", Human Cognitive Abilities in Theory and Practice. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 5–23. ISBN 978-0-8058-2717-0.
- Ericsson, K. Anders (2003). "The Search for General Abilities and Basic Capacities: Theoretical Implications from the Modifiability and Complexity of Mechanisms Mediating Expert Performance", The Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 93–125. ISBN 978-0-521-00776-4.
- (2003) "Trait Complexes, Cognitive Investment, and Domain Knowledge", The Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1–30. ISBN 978-0-521-00776-4. Begieten on 29 August 2010.
- (2000) "Early Identification of High Ability", International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, 2nd, Amsterdam: Pergamon, 297–316. ISBN 978-0-08-043796-5. “a gifted sample gathered using IQ > 132 using the old SB L-M in 1985 does not contain the top 2% of the population but the best10%.”
- Barrett, Paul (2000). "Intelligence, Psychometrics, Iq, G, and Mental Abilities: Quantitative Methodology Dressed as Science". Psycoloquy 11 (46): 713–740. Retrieved 15 May 2014.
- Flynn, James R. (1998). "IQ Gains over Time: Toward Finding the Causes", The Rising Curve: Long-Term Gains in IQ and Related Measures. Washington (DC): American Psychological Association, 25–66. ISBN 978-1-55798-503-3.
- Devlin, B.; Daniels, Michael; Roeder, Kathryn (31 July 1997). "The heritability of IQ". Nature 388: 468–471. doi:10.1038/41319. ISSN 00280836.
- Neisser, Ulrich; Boodoo, Gwyneth; Bouchard, Thomas J.; Boykin, A. Wade; Brody, Nathan; Ceci, Stephen J.; Halpern, Diane F.; Loehlin, John C. et al. (1996). "Intelligence: Knowns and unknowns". American Psychologist 51: 77–101. ISSN 0003-066X. Retrieved 9 October 2014.
- Ceci, Stephen J. (1991). "Cast in Six Ponds and You'll Reel in Something: Looking Back on 25 Years of Research". American Psychologist 58 (11): 855–864. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.58.11.855. PMID 14609372. Retrieved 15 May 2014. Lay summary (9 July 2010).
- Angoff, William H. (1988). "The nature-nurture debate, aptitudes, and group differences". American Psychologist 43 (9): 713–740. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.43.9.713. ISSN 1935-990X. Retrieved 24 October 2010.
- Flynn, James R. (March 1987). "Massive IQ Gains in 14 Nations: What IQ Tests Really Measure". Psychological Bulletin 101 (2): 171–191. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.101.2.171. Retrieved 13 May 2013.
- Bouchard, Thomas (1987). "Bouchard Replies to Plomin", Arthur Jensen: Consensus and Controversy, Falmer international master-minds challenged; 4. London: Falmer Press, 72–75. ISBN 1-85000-093-X. “It is a remarkable fact that most human behavior geneticists fail to measure or characterize the environment. . . . Far more effort should be expended by behavior geneticists on the careful characterization of the environment(s) to which their subjects are exposed.”
- (1985) "Chapter 1: Genetic Determinants of Intelligence", Handbook of Intelligence: Theories, Measurements, and Applications. New York (NY): Wiley, 3–57. ISBN 0-471-89738-8. “The next logical step is to use the methodology that now exists to study the 60% to 70% of variation remaining after genetic variation is accounted for.”
- Thorndike, R. L. (1975). "Mr. Binet's Test 70 Years Later". Educational Researcher 4 (5): 3–7. doi:10.3102/0013189X004005003. ISSN 0013-189X.
- Sowell, Thomas (1973). "Arthur Jensen and His Critics: The Great IQ Controversy". Change 5 (4): 33–37.
- Cronbach, Lee J. (1969). "Heredity, Environment, and Educational Policy", in Harvard Educational Review: Environment, Heredity, and Intelligence, Reprint Series No. 2. Cambridge (MA): Harvard Educational Review, 190–199.
An open-access journal on intelligence
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Journal of Intelligence — Open Access Journal is a new, open-access, "peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original empirical and theoretical articles, state-of-the-art articles and critical reviews, case studies, original short notes, commentaries" intended to be "an open access journal that moves forward the study of human intelligence: the basis and development of intelligence, its nature in terms of structure and processes, and its correlates and consequences, also including the measurement and modeling of intelligence." The contents of the first few issues are posted, including interesting review articles, one by Earl Hunt and Susanne M. Jaeggi and one by Wendy Johnson. The editorial board[1] of this new journal should be able to draw in a steady stream of good article submissions. It looks like the journal aims to continue to publish review articles of the kind that would meet Wikipedia guidelines for articles on medical topics, an appropriate source guideline to apply to Wikipedia articles about intelligence.
Author-posted articles, book chapters, and bibliographies
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Some researchers on these topics have the kind habit of posting most of their peer-reviewed, published papers on the Web. I list them here alphabetically.
- Colin DeYoung is a young, already highly experienced behavior genetics researcher who posts many of his papers on his faculty website.
- Scott Barry Kaufman is both an active researcher and a popular writer on psychology topics who also posts many papers on his personal website.
- David Lohman is professor emeritus at the University of Iowa and an active author on procedures for identifying gifted learners in school settings who posts most of his writings on his faculty webpage.
- Lars Penke is another active young researcher who posts most of his papers on his personal website.
- Keith E. Stanovich is a path-breaking researcher on human reasoning and its limitations. His personal website includes links to his publications on reasoning and his publications on reading.
- Eric Turkheimer has recently been president of the Behavior Genetics Association, and he has the very kind habit of posting most of his peer-reviewed journal articles on his faculty website.
- Jelte Wicherts is a younger, but very astute, researcher who also posts most of his peer-reviewed papers on his faculty website.
N. J. Mackintosh did great research to produce his textbook IQ and Human Intelligence, and that book's bibliography is posted online, with many live hyperlinks.
- Mackintosh, N. J. (30 January 2013). Hyperlinked bibliography. Oxford University Press. Begieten on 31 August 2014.
I now list shorter works such as journal articles and book chapters in a separate subpage on journal articles and book chapters.
Please feel free to tell me about yet more references on the Suggestions page for this citations list.
News stories
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Barnes, Robert; Zapotsky, Matt (27 May 2014). "Supreme Court strikes down Florida law on intellectually disabled death row inmates". Washington Post. Retrieved 5 July 2014.
- Knight, Sam (10 April 2009). "Is a high IQ a burden as much as a blessing?". Financial Times (Financial Times Ltd). Retrieved 7 October 2013.
- Solomon, Deborah (December 12, 2004). "The Science of Second-Guessing: Questions for Stephen Hawking". New York Times. Retrieved 7 October 2013.
Encyclopedia articles
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]The order of entries here is alphabetically by encyclopedia, and alphabetically by article title within each encyclopedia. Many more articles from the encyclopedias listed here would be useful as sources for Wikipedia articles. Like good encyclopedia articles in general, most of these articles have thoughtfully selected lists of further reading suggestions.
- Feldman, David Henry (2009). "Genius". in Kerr, Barbara. Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent. 2. Thousand Oaks (CA): SAGE. ISBN 978-141294971-2.
- Gregory, Robert J. (1995). "Classification of Intelligence". in Sternberg, Robert J.. Encyclopedia of human intelligence. 1. Macmillan. pp. 260–266. ISBN 978-0-02-897407-1. OCLC 29594474.
- Daniel, Mark H. (1995). "Differential Ability Scales". in Sternberg, Robert J.. Encyclopedia of human intelligence. 1. Macmillan. pp. 350–354. ISBN 978-0-02-897407-1. OCLC 29594474.
- McGrew, Kevin S. (1995). "Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability—Revised". in Sternberg, Robert J.. Encyclopedia of human intelligence. 2. Macmillan. pp. 1152–1158. ISBN 978-0-02-897407-1. OCLC 29594474.
Web resources
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Here are links to some helpful Web resources useful for editing multiple Wikipedia articles.
- Flynn, James R. (March 2013). James Flynn: Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents'. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading.
- Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (24 January 2012). Study of Exceptional Talent. Study of Exceptional Talent website. Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth. Begieten on 16 May 2014.
- Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (24 January 2012). Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth. Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth website. Vanderbilt University Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth. Begieten on 16 May 2014.
I will from time to time add other webpages on this subject to a separate subpage on World Wide Web resources.
Please feel free to tell me about yet more references on the Suggestions page for this citations list.