Beadoric | |
Cynedom | ymbe 500s – 529 |
Foregenga | Bysen |
Æftergenga | Eormenfriþ |
Bearn | Ingyð Earngyð |
Hus | Bysningas |
Fæder | Bysen |
Modor | Menia |
Geboren | 480 |
Deaþ | 521 |
Beadoric Bysning, eac hatte Baderic, ƿæs se cyning þāra Langbearda mid broþrum Eormenfriþe and Beorhtherge. Bysen ƿæs his fædera and foregenga. His broþor Eormenfriþ slog fyrestlic Beorhthere, þanne mid Metz-cyninges Þeodrican helpe, cƿealde Beadoric. Eormenfriþ ƿæs broþorlease, and eall an ƿeold .