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Bēon sind flēogende pīan þe þǣm ƿæpsum and æmettum nēahsibbe sind. Bēon sind āntƿiglic strēon beinnan þǣm oferhīrede Apoidea, nū geendebyrded þurh þone ungegradodan naman Anthophila. Man findeþ geneahhe 20,000 cūðra cynna þǣre bēon, in nigon gecnāƿene hīrede,[1] þēahþe manige sind unāmearcode, and is geƿene hīerre. Hīe sind gefunden on ǣlcum landdǣle būtan Antarctican, in ǣlcum landscipe þæs planētan þe inn pīen-gesǣdeda blōstmienda plantan hæfþ.

  1. Danforth, B.N., Sipes, S., Fang, J., Brady, S.G. (2006) The history of early bee diversification based on five genes plus morphology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103: 15118-15123. (On Nīwum Englisce)
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