
Bæmaland is se westernmesta and largest stærlica læppa þara Ceclandum and þæs rice se hat Cecland and in þissum lande wuniað Bæme. His nama in þæm Bæmican gereorde is Čechy.
Ær wæs ðis land cynerice in þæm Haligan Remiscan Rice. Æfter Loðwig II of Ungara and Bæma Cyning forðferde æt Mohacs se feohte in 1526, his ierfa wæs Ferdinand I Eastrices Heahheretoga and Ferdinand fange to rice swa Bæma Cyning. Of þæm ylde wæs Bæmaland dal ðara Habsburginga rice.
Æfter þære Fyrstan Woruldgūþe staþolden Bæme and Maroare and Sloface hiera agan sundorrice benaman Cecoslofacia and Bæmaland wæs þæs rices westdæl.