Amleð Dēna Æþeling

Amleð Dēna Æþeling (Niwenglisc: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) is tregapleg by Ƿillelm Scacaspere þone Shakespeare ƿrāt æt sumum geare betƿuh 1599 and 1602.
Þisses pleges stede is Denemearc in ungesæd ylde and beginneþ þan Amleþ Æþeling cymþ eft on his eard and fint þe his fæder se cyning (se is Amleþ Cyning) is dēad and þe his eam Claudius hæfþ genimen þæt rīce and beƿeddod þā Cƿēne, sēo is Gertrude Amleðes mōdor. On þæm burgƿealle mēteþ se Æþeling his fædres gāst se tealleþ him þe Amleþ Cyning ƿæs be his brōdres hande Claudes geslēan þe Claudius meahte fangen to rīce.
Amleð is Scacesperes lengsta pleg, and man secgþ þe he biþ sƿa ƿiþ Englisc scopcræft mæg þe he stent hēafod onmang plegaspellum.
Þes spell cymþ of ealdsecge benaman Amleth geƿriten be Saxo Grammaticus Dēna stǣrƿritere þæs 13. gearhundes in his Gesta Danorum.
Ƿillelmes Scacasperes geƿeorcas | ![]() |
Amleð | Antonius and Cleopatra | Coriolanus | Cymbelin | Eall is Til Se Endeþ Tile | Gedƿolmistdrēam | Heanrig IV, i | Heanrig IV, ii | Henrig V | Heanrig VI, i | Heanrig VI, ii | Heanrig VI, iii | Henrig VIII | Iohannes Cyning | Iulius Caesar | Lir Cyning | Lufe Tilinge Gelosen | Macbeoðen | Met for Mete | Micle Hohfulness on Nāƿihte | Midsumor Nihta Sƿefn | Oþella | Pericles, Tyres Æþeling | Ricard II | Ricard III | Romeo and Iuliet | Se Mangere of Uenice | Seo Screaƿa Temung | Seo Ƿintertides Talu | Þæt Sturm | Sƿa Þec Liceþ Hit | Timon of Aþenan | Titus Andronicus | Troilus and Cresside | Tƿelfþ Niht | Þa Tƿegen Rincas Ueronan | Þa Tƿegen Sibæþelingas | Þa Ƿynsuma Ƿife Ƿindlesora | |
Sonnetas | Uenus and Adonis | Lucrece Niedhæmed | Se Hatheort Elþiodgiend | Se Fenix and seo Turtle | Lufiendes Ceorung | |
Gelosen plegas: Lufe Tilinge Geƿon | Cardenio |